A Container Garden in the Midst of “The Refuge”
I would like to take you on a visit back to “The Refuge”, which is the home of my younger sister, (Daisy Mom), and her family. In the past, we have seen the beautiful scenery surrounding their home and who can forget our visit with Mr. Compost.
From left to right – Barrel Cactus, Tomato, Lantana, Fern, Spiky Succulent, Avocado (grown from an Avocado pit), Fern, Pine Tree Sapling, Vinca and another Fern.
Composting, is as you might expect, Mr. Compost’s domain and the vegetable garden is Mr. Green Jean’s. However, Daisy Mom, reigns supreme over her container garden.
Each time we go over and visit, I just have to step out onto the patio to see what she has growing. It is always a bright spot of many different and colorful plants, even in the middle of January, when the above photo was taken.
In the summer, the flowers are all in full bloom and the garden is a favorite cool spot to sit and enjoy being outdoors.
Rosemary, Avocado and Cactus
Succulents, herbs, small trees and flowering plants make up her container garden. You never know what you will find…I mean, who would have thought to plant an avocado pit, instead of throwing it away? My sister, that’s who :^)
Mr. Green Jeans, helping his mom plant some new flowers.
Occasionally, Mr. Green Jeans, my nephew and resident “Refuge” photographer, can be found taking a break from his vegetable garden and helping his mom plant some new things in her garden.
Yellow Primula.
As you can see from Daisy Mom’s container garden, you don’t have to have a lot of space to create your own container garden. So, go down to your local nursery, but a few pots, some flowering plants, vegetables or a succulent or two and a bag of potting soil and get started.
That is all you need to do to start your own container garden and the beauty of it is is that you can keep building upon it.
Even better, you can ask for some cuttings or seeds from your friends gardens and start them in your garden as well.
Before you know it, you can have a vibrant, beautiful container garden just like Daisy Mom.
Our next post from “The Refuge” will introduce us to Mr. Green Jean’s vegetable garden and you will also get to meet all the residents of “The Refuge” as well.
She has a gift for container gardening that's for sure!
Beautiful post! So lush! I love container gardening…it has a charm all of it's own! great shots!
I wish my container gardens looked that lush. Daisy Mom definitely has a way with growing things in containers.
I look forward to seeing Mr. Green Jean's veggie garden and the other residents as well.
Oh I love it. I would make a bee line to check it out too (if I were visiting!) I love planting containers ~ it's so easy and fun. No amending the soil like in the ground and usually great results pretty quickly. I can't believe how beautiful it all is in FEBRUARY!!!
Pretty containers! Looks like you are having great weather. It is nice to see a boy helping his mom with the planting. I have one son that really likes to help me. The other two….not so much. 🙂 sy
I hope one day she gets avocados-the trees from seeds tend to be more robust. I have two small trees grown from the pits ( with any luck I will have avocados in 3-5 years. I tried to plant more but the puppy thought they were balls for his playing pleasure…
Noelle, ask your sister her secret to rooting an avocado pit! I've tried several times lately with no results. I know I did this with success back in my college days. Are the seeds sterile or something?
I totally agree with you when it comes to container gardening. Before you know it the whole place is added with lushful colours and vibrant greens.
ITs surely exciting.. Im still admiring those primula – are they tropical?
Hi Noelle, now our plants are the same, tropical living in dessert climate. Do you know that those ferns are just weeds here? We dont plant them but remove them, they grow anywhere! I chuckled with that avocado planted in a small pot, haha. Maybe your sister will make a bonsai. I appreciate Mr Green Jeans for being so diligent with his assignments, but i am looking forward to his vegie farm.
This is a reply to Msrobin asking how to grow avocado seeds. These big seeds are called recalcitrant seeds, must be planted immediately after removal from the fruit, as if they wilt they wont grow anymore.
Lovely blossoms and sunlight framed in wonderful photos! Enjoyed your blog very much. Keep up the good work.
Beautiful garden. The primula are doing so well. Looking forward to seeing the veggies.
I am totally taken with the sunshine…and the container primulas are lovely. I remember trying them my first spring in this clay soiled garden…I think they would be so much happier in a container! I need a resident helper! gail
Beautiful post Noelle, the containers are gorgeous. I always shy away from them since I find them to be more work somehow. But I will try to add more this year, since they add so much interest to the landscape. 🙂
I love how all the pots are terra cotta colors and then all that fresh green looking foliage. It really does give a cooling affect.
My daughter has an avocado pit on our window sill and is patiently waiting for it to sprout.
Beautiful pics of the container garden. 😀 I also love to see a boy helping his momma (with a smile on his face!) 😀
Thank you all for your compliments…I am sure my sister appreciates them as well. I will try to get an updated view of the container garden in late spring. MSRobin, I believe that Andrea answered your question about the Avocado pit. I hope it helps :^)