A Few of my Favorite Things……Hummingbirds


You know what?  I do not think that I know anyone who doesn’t enjoy hummingbirds.  I guess that there are probably a handful, but what’s not to love? 

enjoy hummingbirds

This little hummer was busy bathing and drinking from this fountain at The Living Desert in Palm Desert, CA.

I had never seen a hummingbird bathe before and it was so fun to sit and watch him.

I have a pair of Anna’s hummingbirds who live in one of my trees. They take turns visiting my hummingbird feeder.

Here is Mr. A…..

enjoy hummingbirds

and his wife, Mrs. A….


How about you?  

Are hummingbirds one of your favorite things?

I would love to hear about your little visitors…..


Thank you all for visiting my Birds & Blooms blog.

Here is my latest post…

A Gathering of Cattle Egrets

Noelle Johnson, aka, 'AZ Plant Lady' is a author, horticulturist, and landscape consultant who helps people learn how to create, grow, and maintain beautiful desert gardens that thrive in a hot, dry climate. She does this through her consulting services, her online class Desert Gardening 101, and her monthly membership club, Through the Garden Gate. As she likes to tell desert-dwellers, "Gardening in the desert isn't hard, but it is different."
8 replies
  1. Jan
    Jan says:

    I love when hummers come buzzing by while sitting on our patio. One loves to perch and take a rest in our grapefruit tree before heading out to feast on our honeysuckle. Last year my husband was trimming our huge ficus tree and down came this itty bitty (and luckily empty) hummer nest.

  2. Rohrerbot
    Rohrerbot says:

    I love that shot of the hummer in the fountain. We have several here….they always nest up in the live oaks and flutter around when I'm out in the garden:) I'm glad spring is back….the peach blossoms are gorgeous right now.

  3. Rose
    Rose says:

    I've never seen a hummingbird take a bath before! Count me in the majority of people who absolutely love hummingbirds. I have a feeder next to my front porch where I like to sit in the summertime, and they are daily visitors at different times during the season. They don't especially like to pose for my camera, but we do carry on conversations:)

  4. debsgarden
    debsgarden says:

    I love your hummer photos! I enjoy these birds immensely. I was once 'attacked' by one, then realized I was wearing a shirt with giant colorful blossoms all over it. The hummer thought I was a flower!

  5. Twig
    Twig says:

    Your water fountain picture is amazing! We have been having trouble with bees so are taking a hummingbird feeder break. My budget limits me to feeder options… I am however planting hummingbird friendly plants in my start-from-scratch desert garden.


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