Guess Where I’ve Been?
You may have noticed that I haven’t posted for a few days (or maybe not 😉 I feel somewhat incomplete when I have gone more then three days without writing a blog post, but sometimes life gets a bit crazy or sometimes I go out of town.
I went away for a few days to a ‘mystery’ location. I had a great time and was able to take some pictures of some beautiful potted plants, annuals, perennials and shrubs.
Some of you may be able to guess where I have been from my photos….
Pink and White Cyclamen
Beautiful potted plants , Easter Lilies, Pink Primrose and Trailing Variegated English Ivy
Perennial bed full of winter-flowering perennials
Beautiful potted plants , Vegetables used as ornamental plants.
Have you guessed where this is yet?
Let me zoom out a bit in the next few photos…
I love Icelandic Poppies, don’t you?
Mt. Lemmon Marigold
Japanese Evergreen Pear Tree
I love daisies, don’t you?
Okay, I think this photo will be a dead giveaway…
A pair of ‘swans’ amidst Blue Pansies
Do you notice the castle in the background?
I was at Disneyland!
Now don’t think for a minute that I didn’t bring my family along…
Can you tell that the sun was in their eyes?
My husband and I decided to surprise our kids with a 3-day trip to Disneyland.
When my father-in-law died last fall, my mother-in-law received an unexpected life insurance payment from his few years on the Air Force.
She gave some the insurance money to each of us. So, we decided to use the money to treat ourselves and the kids to a fun vacation.
We didn’t tell the kids anything about leaving on a trip. I had my daughter, Rachele, take the kids to church and I packed up both our cars while they were gone.
When they got home, we told them to get in the cars and we took off. They had no idea what was going on. Gracie (above) was in the car with my husband and I. She guessed where we were going within 3 minutes.
However, Kai and Ruthie, who were in our daughter’s car, couldn’t figure it out. They kept calling us on the phone, trying to guess. About two hours later, we stopped for gas and told them where we were going.
Kai is a little wet after Splash Mountain.
We had a fabulous time and stayed until the park closed each day.
We even spent a whole day at ‘California Adventure’ as well.
I remember going to Disneyland quite often as a child and teenager. We had taken our two oldest girls quite often when they were young. In fact, it was our oldest daughter’s idea to go to Disneyland with the younger kids because years ago, we had surprised her and Rachele with a trip there as well.
I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised at how beautiful the gardens were. I didn’t remember them looking so nice, so I took quite a lot of photos.
There were some great examples of plants that look great in winter for our climate and a unique way to use vegetables.
I’ll share more plant and family photos once my husband emails them to me from his iPhone 🙂
Confessions from a ‘Plant Nerd’
Disneyland is not on my list (no kids) but the gardens look inviting. And your 3 little people are in heaven ;~)
What a wonderful surprise for the children .
How you managed to keep this a secret was amazing.
I ahve been many tiems got happy memories .
Thankyou for sharing.
What a wonderful surprise for the kids, and what a wonderful time you all had. I do hope you will show us more pictures of the flowers there.
Way to go Mom, Dad, and big sis for pulling the surprise off. A wonderful memory for all of you.
Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady
Disneyland was the most wonderful "memory maker" when our daughter was a child. Truly a magical place — and what great flowers!
Ooh…lucky you…looks like you all had a great time! x