Is It Fall Yet?
My favorite season is fall. What do I love about fall, you may ask?
It’s not the colorful leaves….
Autumn color in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina
Now before you think I am crazy, let me explain…
Fall foliage begins to make it’s appearance in Williamsburg, VA.
I have never lived anywhere that had lots of trees turn color.
I grew up in Southern California and I now live in Arizona.
I do love visiting areas with lovely fall foliage, but I don’t connect fall with leaves turning color.
Fall signifies for me, the beginning of holidays AND cooler weather after a hot summer.
This year, we are hosting the entire family’s Halloween celebration at our house because we have the best neighborhood for trick-or-treating.
I have been hand-making some new Halloween decorations – some of which have turned out pretty good.
Monday, my mother is coming out and we are going to try making paper-mache pumpkins.
I’m not sure how they will turn out….but it will be fun to try. I promise I’ll share our results 🙂
I have been counting down the days until fall on my programmable thermostat. It is set to turn the AC off in 32 day. Only 32 more days of summer!