Family, Fun and Sweets for Halloween
Did you have a nice Halloween? Did you sneak a piece of candy from the bowl of candy you were handing out to trick-or-treaters? Or maybe you take a piece or two or three from your kids?
I was so excited to be hosting our family’s annual Halloween party this year.
It was my granddaughter Lily’s first Halloween. She missed Halloween by 3 days last year 😉
I had fun getting food ready before everyone came over…
‘Graveyard’ Guacamole.
Made with chopped olives and tortilla chips.
Pumpkin veggies.
Carrots with cucumbers.
‘Melted Witch’ cupcakes.
I used green and chocolate candy melts to make the ‘melted witch’ base. Halloween Oreos and a Hershey’s Kiss made the hat. A pretzel stick with molded lemon Starburst candies finished it off.
Dessert Table.
Homemade Marshmallows Pops dipped in chocolate.
I used orange and chocolate candy melts to dip the marshmallows in. Regular marshmallows from the store would work great for this too.
Our family get-togethers are often pot-luck and today was no exception. My mom brought her delicious homemade chili.
Soon, it was time for the kids to get ready to go trick-or-treating…
My mother got her ‘witches’ costume ready. Her twin grandsons weren’t quite sure who the witch was. In fact, Danny (dressed as ‘Woody’) ran away and cried.
Even after she took off her mask and showed Danny that it was ‘grandma’ – he wouldn’t go near her until the end of the evening 😉
Aren’t they cute?
annual Halloween party
While the kids went trick-or-treating, some of us stayed behind to give out candy.
Gracie went for a little while and then decided to help give out candy while the other kids continued on.
Lily’s first Halloween was fun. She gave her candy away to her young aunts and uncle.
Danny kept us on the edge of our seats because he kept pointing to the firepit and saying “Hot”. Thankfully, he didn’t touch it.
The twins loved my daughter, Rachele’s, classic VW Bug.
Dean with his dad (my brother, Scott) decided to check out my husband’s new motorcycle.
My sister, Grace, and my mom were so much fun to hang out with.
We had a wonderful time even though our kids were crashing after their sugar-highs.
I can’t wait until next Halloween!
How about you?
What did you do for Halloween?
I must admit that my thoughts have strayed to thinking of those who have been affected by the terrible storm ‘Sandy’. For those who are suffering from the devastating effects from the storm ‘Sandy’ – you can help by sending a donation to the Red Cross, which will go directly to those affected by ‘Sandy’.
I had so much fun looking at your family pictures. It looks like halloween was a hit at your house.My goodness your kids are growing.