Vegetable Garden Transition
About this time of the year, I am busy helping my vegetable gardens transition into summer.
That means pulling any remaining leaf lettuce. Yes, it hurts to know that I now have to buy lettuce until next fall when I can grow it again.
Even though not all of my lettuce had bolted, none of it was edible. Once the temperatures get up to 90 degrees, the lettuce turns bitter.
vegetable garden transition
For the past 4 months, I have been harvesting a few carrots every few nights to include in salads or soups.
Now that it is getting hotter and some of the carrots are beginning to flower, it was time to harvest the rest of the remaining carrots.
I didn’t use the carrots that had flowered, since they had become woody inside.
vegetable garden transition
You know, one of the things that I like about gardening is how unpredictable it can be. The two carrots, above, were growing just 1 ft. away from each other.
The garlic was already harvested and I concentrated on pulling out cool-season annuals that were serving as companion plants.
I love my crocs!
These nasturtiums were still blooming, so I will leave them until they begin to fade.
vegetable garden transition
A quick check of my warm-season vegetables showed that my zucchini plant has its first fruit (yes, zucchini is technically a ‘fruit’).
You really have to check carefully for zucchini because they can be hard to spot.
I will have to get my mother’s famous zucchini bread recipe.
Tomatoes are hanging from the vine and will soon be turning red.
In my side garden, I have two new peach trees growing.
This one has 18 peaches on it.
I planted this peach tree in January. Now, normally, you would want to ‘thin’ fruit so that there is only one fruit every 6 inches – this creates larger fruit. But, I was so happy to see so much fruit on my new tree, that I just left them.
Since I won’t have enough to make peach jam, this year, I will use them to make peach vinegar.
I don’t just have peaches growing in my side garden…
My blackberry bush has ripe blackberries!
Originally, I hadn’t planned on growing blackberries in my garden, but my mother had an extra blackberry plant that she gave me last year, so I planted one.
I decided to go ahead and add more this year and planted 5 more bushes.
I only have the original blackberry bush covered in fruit because blackberries form on 1-year old growth.
My family wants me to use some of our blackberries to serve over ice cream.
I was thinking of using them for making blackberry vinegar, which I’ll use to make salad dressing.
What do you think? Ice cream topping or fruit-flavored vinegar?
If you have a chance, rumor is that lettuce that turns bitter will lose the bitter flavor if stored in the fridge for 3 days. I tried it will mâché and another winter variety, but as they always seemed a little bitter to me, I am not sure it was successful or not, I will try it later with my spring lettuce, but you could try it out if you have any leaf lettuce
I just wanted to say that this is my first time here and I love the pictures and your blog. Now I can see why my cousin moved to Tucson.