Television Appearance, Pots, Herbs, Vegetables and Flowers
Have you ever been on live television?
If you had asked me a year ago, I would have said “no”. I had done some filming for “how-to” gardening videos for – but they weren’t live and took place in my back garden. Somehow, live TV is quite different.
Last time, I told you about my upcoming appearance on our local ABC station to talk about creative container gardening tips.
Posing next to my newly-planted container filled with purple basil, thyme, rosemary and parsley. White petunias add beauty to the pot.
This was the second time that I had been asked to appear on Sonoran Living, which is a local morning program.
Last time I was on the show, I spoke about ‘Fuss Free’ Plants. This time, I would be talking about creative tips for container gardening.
So, I went shopping for my ‘props’. I decided to plant an herb container as well as a pot filled with vegetables and flowers. I bought several medium-sized pots, a variety of potting mixes and of course, plants.
My sister came along with me to help with the props and setting up. I had planted the pots ahead of time, so setting up wasn’t too difficult.
The main focus of the demonstration would be the three pots, the potting mixes and the recyclable grocery bag.
They tell you to bring a lot of props, which look good on television. So, I brought gardening gloves, some hand tools and extra plants to help ‘set the stage’. My microphone was there for me to put on and I was almost ready.
Finishing up planting my vegetable/flower container.
Last time I was on the show, mine was the first segment. It went very fast and we were back on the road before the show was over.
This time, I was to go last. So after everything was set up, my sister and I were invited to wait in the staff break room.
To say that I wasn’t nervous would be an exaggeration. But, I was not as nervous as my first time. It’s actually not as hard as doing a “how-to” video where you have to talk to the camera. On the show, I am talking to a person who asks me questions so I don’t speak directly to the camera at all. If you lose your train of thought, they are there to get you back on track.
Of the tips I shared on air – using recycled, plastic containers to fill the bottom of large pots as well as using a recycled grocery bag as a container were the most popular with the hosts.
I had a great time and hope to be invited back again.
Below, is the link for my container gardening segment and at the end you see where I accidentally got involved in a conversation at the end about “Dancing With the Stars”.
I hope you enjoy it and come away with some helpful tips that you can use when creating your own container garden.
**You can view my first appearance on Sonoran Living where I talk about “Fuss-Free Plants” here.
Great little video segment. It made me want to get out into my gardens, but it's still dark out. 🙂
Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady
Great job on the interview!