Winter Garden Harvest: I Never Thought I Would Love Kale!
Did you enjoy eating leafy greens such as lettuce or spinach as a child?
I would eat a little salad, with some needed prodding from my mother, but I didn’t really enjoy it. Now, I love lettuce of all kinds and like to use a variety when I make my own salads.
Well, I may be older, but that doesn’t mean that my mother is finished with me yet. The other day she brought over some kale from her garden.
I must admit that I have been somewhat resistant to eating kale. I don’t have any good reason for it other than a deep-seated prejudice toward dark-green leafy greens.
Photo: Kale and Romaine Lettuce
My mother didn’t stop with just bringing freshly harvested kale over to my house. No, she actually made a delicious kale salad with lemon zest and olive oil dressing.
I was a little hesitant before I took my first bite. I realized that I really wanted to ‘grow-up’ and like kale and get rid of my ridiculous prejudice.
It turns out that I really did like it! So much so that I plan on growing my own.
It just goes to prove that mothers do know what’s best for us – even when we are all grown up 😉
I hope you have enjoyed my winter harvest blog posts. We’ve gone from broccoli to new vegetables and covered how to get kids to like cauliflower.
Do you have a vegetable that you used to hate and now like to eat?