Drought Tolerant and Beautiful: Whale’s Tongue Agave
Agave are my favorite succulent of mine in my own garden and also finds itself a prominent addition to many of my landscape designs.
There is so much to love about agave, from the unique, rosette pattern of their succulent leaves to the dramatic flowering stalk that they send up toward the end of their lives.
whale’s tongue agave
While I have several species of agave, whale’s tongue is one of my favorites.
This agave first drew my attention when my friend and fellow blogger, Pam Penick, wrote about the one growing in her garden, where it takes center stage in her backyard.
Since then, I have seen several throughout the greater Phoenix landscape as well.
There is so much to like about this agave including how its blue-green color adds great color contrast to the landscape.
I also happen to like the unique shape of its leaves, that really do resemble a whale’s tongue.
Do you think this lovely agave deserves a place in your landscape?
Learn more about how and where to plant this agave as well as what plants to pair it with for maximum impact in my latest Houzz plant profile.
Have you ever seen this agave in the landscape? What would you plant alongside it?
A Welcome Gift From an Agave and a Friend