5 Surprising Ways to Use Citrus Fruit For Home and Kitchen
Do you have citrus trees? If you live in zone 9 or higher, chances that you or your neighbor has a citrus tree or two growing in their backyard.
It may be hard for those who live in colder climates to understand, but those of us who grow citrus often have more than we can eat. It’s not unusual to see boxes and bags filled with citrus fruit by the curb free for the taking. Sometimes excess citrus fruit is simply left on the tree or falls to the ground.
While it’s true that you can only eat so much citrus in the few months it appears in your tree, did you know that there are other ways you can use citrus?
Here are 5 creative Ways to Use Citrus:
1. Citrus Natural Air Fresheners
Who doesn’t love the fresh scent of citrus? Well, you can bring the scents of citrus into your home by making your natural air fresheners.
In addition to citrus, you can add other fragrant ingredients such as mint, thyme, vanilla, and even basil and peppercorns.
Click here to learn how easy it is to make your own – they make great gifts too!
2. Citrus Bouquets
The leaves of citrus are dark green and glossy, and they make a great filler in bouquets.
If you have a citrus tree that produces smaller fruit such as a kumquat or lime tree, you can cut a few branches and leave the fruit on it for a colorful, natural centerpiece. The large leaves of a grapefruit or lemon tree make a beautiful garnish for a serving platter.
3. Natural Citrus Cleaner
Did you know that the peels of citrus can be used to make an effective, natural cleaner for your home?
It doesn’t matter what type of citrus peel you use – all you need are peels, vinegar, and a large jar.
Click here to learn how to make your own.
4. Freeze Citrus Zest
How many times have you made a recipe that needed lemon, lime, or orange zest? Now, when citrus is in season, all I have to do is walk outdoors and pick what I need. But what about the rest of the year or for those of you who don’t grow citrus?
It turns out the citrus zest can be frozen. So, just before you peel or juice an orange, zest if first and put the zest in a plastic freezer bag.
I have frozen citrus zest in my freezer, ready for me to use.
5. Lemon Ice Cubes
Lemon and sometimes lime juice are a popular ingredient in both savory and sweet dishes. An easy way to preserve your lemon harvest is to freeze the juice into individual ice cubes. Once frozen, pop them out and save them in a plastic freezer bag.
When you need to use them, simply put an ice cube in a small bowl and stick in the microwave for 30 seconds on high to melt. That’s it! I do this for my homemade salsa.
Whether you grow your own citrus or buy it at the store – make the most of them by using one or more of these creative tips.
How about you? Do you have any tips for using citrus fruit?
Some fun ideas! Marmalade would also be fun to make and keep. Being in zone 6, I just wish my little indoor citrus plants/twigs would grow up big enough to produce one or two fruits!