Need a Bouquet? Look No Further Than Your Garden
Do you ever wish you had flowers to give to a friend or to decorate your table?
Garden Blooms: A Personal Touch
Instead of heading to the store for a generic bouquet, how about creating a lovely bouquet straight from your garden?
Now before you say that you don’t have any flowers suitable for a bouquet, think again.
Here are several bouquets from my garden and a few that my mother put together from her own garden…
Isn’t this a lovely arrangement?
Believe it or not, the flowers in these vases all came from plants that many of you probably have in your own garden.
Creating Beauty with Garden Blooms
My mother created this arrangement using gold lantana (Lantana ‘New Gold Mound’), orange jubilee (Tecoma x Orange Jubilee), and Texas sage (Leucophyllum frutescens) flowers. As you can see, it is beautiful, didn’t cost her anything, and took minutes to create.
This is a bouquet that I created using flowers from my late winter garden. Pink and white globe mallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua) coupled with Goodding’s verbena (Glandularia gooddingii) is a vision of pinks and purples.
Flower Bouquet Elegance in Simplicity
I used a small pitcher to put cuttings of purple trailing lantana (Lantana montevidensis), angelita daisy (Tetraneuris acaulis) and flowers from my cascalote tree (Caesalpinia cacalaco).
This antique milk of magnesia glass jar makes the perfect vase for sweet white alyssum (Lobularia maritima) , purple violas and pink bower vine (Pandorea jasminoides) flowers.
Fun and Creative Bouquet Materials
Flowers aren’t the only thing from the garden that you can use to create a bouquet with.
A mason jar filled with cut branches from a kumquat tree looks lovely on this table in winter.
Maybe your winter garden has no flowers. Well, don’t let that stop you. A small vase filled with seedpods and dried leaves from a Texas mountain laurel (Sophora secundiflora) looks great on my mother’s diningroom table.
Personal Garden Elegance
Perhaps you’ve never thought that petunias could look be used in a vase. But, if you use a small, shallow bowl, they can add a beautiful spot of color on your table.
Of course, roses always make a lovely bouquet.
Bouquets created from items in your garden are a great way to add a personal touch of beauty to your space.
So, are you inspired to create your own unique garden bouquet? Step outside in your garden and take a new look at your plants – you’ll probably be surprised at how many would look nice in a vase.
**How about you? What plants would you use to create a bouquet with?
Hello Noelle, i am back visiting your blogposts. Your previous post about your leaving daughter and grandson is a little contagious, hehe! About these flower arrangements, yes they are easy to make and beautiful, but if you're in my hot country they easily wilt and they are better left on the plant in the garden. When i was in NZealand i was amazed about the long vaselife of the cut flowers. That is the niceness of cold weather.