It’s My Book Birthday!
A Long-Awaited Gardening Book Birthday: Turning 18 Months of Dreams into Reality
Today – the big gardening book birthday – was a day long in coming…
In many ways, it was like a very long pregnancy. 18 months to be exact since my initial discussion with my editor about writing a book on desert gardening.
The journey from idea to book is filled with varying emotions. From excitement, stress, and impatience, to today when I feel pure happiness.
Writing a book is not easy. My reason for doing so is to inspire and guide people who live in dry climates. I want you to create and maintain an outdoor space that brings both joy and beauty.
Empowering Dry Climate Dwellers: Tips, Strategies, and More in ‘Dry Climate Gardening’
Within the pages of Dry Climate Gardening, I help you with specific garden and landscape strategies. I help with plant choice, planting tips, watering strategies, pest control, design inspiration, and lists of my favorite plants.
Wherever you are in your garden journey, I hope you will find help and ideas for your landscape. The truth is that you can have an attractive garden despite living in an arid region.
Dry Climate Gardening: Creating Beautiful, Sustainable Gardens in Low-Water Conditions is available now. Find the book everywhere books are sold. Click here to order yours and celebrate my gardening book birthday with me!