Landscape Consulting

I Remember Being New to the Desert

When I meet with most people, they assume that I have a ‘natural’ green thumb and that desert gardening comes easily for me. However, they are often surprised to find that wasn’t initially true.

Like most people who find themselves living in a desert-type climate, I am not originally from here – I grew up in Southern California. In fact, when I moved to Arizona as a young bride, I had no idea how to choose plants that would grow there, much less create a lovely garden. In fact, in our first home in Phoenix, I managed to kill the existing rose bushes as well as all of the new plants I had bought on my limited budget! Motivated by my failures, I was determined to learn how to create a beautiful garden, and this is where the roots of AZ Plant Lady® began over twenty-five years ago.

A Desert Education and Consulting Company is Born!

After finishing up college with my Botany degree (with a concentration in Urban Horticulture), I began working for golf courses, because where else would you need a horticulturist in Arizona? I was responsible for everything but the grass, which included hundreds of trees, shrubs, perennials, and yes, even cactus. I had a crew that helped me maintain and plant new areas, but I did a lot of the work myself, which taught me what worked and what didn’t in the desert landscape.

Later, I left the golf course industry to indulge my love of landscape design.

My company, Noelle Johnson Landscape Consulting, LLC, is where I work as a landscape consultant where I love to help people, like you, learn how to create beautiful, low-maintenance, drought-tolerant landscapes that thrive in hot, arid regions and yes, it is possible and much easier than you think.

Since my re-birth as AZ Plant Lady®, I have also serve as an educator inspiring, and teaching others how to create beautiful landscapes that flourish in our climate. From my books, to teaching classes for both the Desert Botanical and Tucson Botanical Gardens, I enjoy spreading the message of the beautiful world of gardening in a hot, dry climate.

My journey has led me to opportunities I could have never dreamed of when I first planted my first flower. I am always looking for ways to encourage and inspire desert gardeners.

Landscape Consulting

I’ll Take The Mystery Out Of Gardening in the Heat to Help You Create a Beautiful Outdoor Space

I worked as a landscape designer for a landscape design and install company, working with new home buyers. Then the recession hit and I found little work available as a designer, so I looked for other opportunities to teach people about the limitless possibilities available to them for creating a lovely outdoor space.

In September of 2009, I made my debut as AZ Plant Lady® with my first blog post. Blogging was relatively new at the time, and I was excited to have this avenue to communicate my message of how to create fuss-free, beautiful gardens that thrive in hot, dry regions.

As a horticulturist, I am passionate about coming alongside you and taking the ‘mystery’ out of gardening, with simple tools and guidelines so that you can move forward to creating the landscape of your dreams.

So, I invite you to visit regularly and sign up for the latest updates and check out my online courses where you will find information and inspiration to create a beautiful outdoor space that will thrive in a hot, arid climate. You can also check out my books for help and inspiration.  I am always looking for ways to encourage and inspire with practical tips.You can also find me on social media – where you will find information and inspiration to create a beautiful outdoor space that will thrive in a hot, arid climate – on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

 **Please contact me for information on appearances, speaking engagements, writing, or for my media kit.

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