Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com

A Small Farm in the Middle of the Desert…

I would like to show you a small farm that is located in the middle of the desert.  Actually, it is 5 minutes from my house and is the home of my mother, sister, brother-in-law and their sons. Some of you may recall some previous posts about the Neglected Rose Bush, the Chicken Coop and […]

3 Little Roses …Time to Plant

Yesterday, we worked on getting the holes ready for our new English roses.  Now the kids and I are so excited that we are almost ready to plant them. Here are the soil amendments that I purchased – Bone Meal, Compost, Blood Meal and Organic Rose Fertilizer (the blood meal and fertilizer are to be […]

3 Little Roses…Ready For a New Home

They are here!!!  I was oh so patiently waiting for my English roses to arrive from Heirloom Roses. I had ordered three different English roses a few weeks ago as it has been too long since I have had roses in my garden.  You can read more about that here if you like – “I […]

January GBBD – Winter Flowers in the Garden…

January is the slowest time of the year for blooms in the desert.  However, due to our year-round growing climate, there are still a lot of flowers to see…  Bower Vine (Pandorea jasminoides) My Valentine shrub (Eremophila maculata ‘Valentine’) is in full bloom. One of my Mexican Bird-of-Paradise trees (Caesalpinia mexicana), happily blooming away… Radiation […]

Face Off With Wild Pigs

Working on golf courses provided me with many opportunities to interact with our native wildlife.  Now, most of my interactions were welcome – roadrunners, jackrabbits,  even baby raccoons.  Some encounters were unexpected – snakes, tarantulas and coyotes.  But there was one animal with which I waged a constant battle…the Javelina, also know as the Wild […]

Living Green in the Desert Garden

 Community Center landscape which I was honored to have designed along with renown landscape architect, Carl Johnson. This past weekend, I participated in a landscape discussion panel as part of a “Living Green in the Desert” seminar.  Attendees were able to submit their questions ahead of time as well as ask their questions directly to […]

A Small House, Transplants and Chickens

The newest addition to Double S Farms is rapidly coming together in preparation for their newest residents…..chickens. Little Farmers #1 & 2 are having fun as the chicken coop is being built. Little Farmer #2 loves to play in the dirt….can you tell? Newest addition, The chicken coop is being put together by Farmer #1, […]


A Garden Arises From a Mountain of Trash

During a visit to a park, I came upon a beautiful little garden that rests on top of 2.2 million tons of trash.  This small succulent garden is but a very small part of the park which rests upon a recently closed landfill. Newly planted cacti, aloe and agave.  Ocotillo stand in the background. In […]

Vegetable Seedlings and Another Confession…

Isn’t there something just so wonderful when you see little seedlings start to sprout?  It makes me feel like it is springtime even though it is still the middle of winter when I see the tiny green leaves begin to break out from the soil.  The broccoli sprouted in less then a week. Many types […]

Why Did The Tortoise Cross The Road?

To be honest, I have never wondered why before, until I met a desert tortoise who wanted to cross a road. Desert Tortoise, Stock Photo My encounter with a desert tortoise occurred while I was on my way home in the late afternoon and I was traveling from a rather isolated community in the desert.   I had […]