Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com

When To and When NOT to Plant Flowering Annuals

Each year, around the end of August, I walk into the plant section of our local home improvement store just to look at the colorful, flowering annuals While I may be sorely tempted,  I don’t buy any; I just like to look. BUT, I know that I am in trouble when the majority of the […]


Why Do Cactus Have Spines ?

What comes to mind when you think of cactus?   Perhaps the first thing you think of is the spines. If you have ever been unfortunate enough to have been pricked by a cactus, you’ll likely never forget that most of them have needles.   *Did I ever tell you about the time I worked on […]

Firecracker Penstemon: Orange-Red Spikes of Color

I got asked, what my favorite plant is.  Well, asking a horticulturist to tell you what her favorite plant is, is rather like asking a mother to tell you who her favorite child is – it’s impossible. But when pressed, I breakdown and admit to liking one particular plant slightly more than all the others. […]

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Drought Tolerant and Beautiful: Globe Mallow

Globe mallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua) brings a unique “cottage-garden” feel to the desert plant palette along with some surprises. In spring a flush of beautiful flowers are produced that will cause people to stop in their tracks. After that, globe mallow will bloom off and on throughout the summer and fall.   This shrubby, perennial is native […]