Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com

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Nurse Plants and Cactus

 Young saguaro cactus were peeking out from its bursage nurse plant. As you walk through the desert, there are many opportunities to view some of the striking cacti and their unique shapes.  What is not initially apparent, are the many examples of plants helping young cacti survive.  However, if you look closely, it is all […]

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Iconic Desert Tree, The Palo Verde

  Iconic tree, Blue Palo Verde (Parkinsonia florida) When people think of the Sonoran desert, hillsides studded with saguaro cactus and cholla often come to mind.   But interspersed between the cactus, you will find the palo verde, an iconic tree with their beautiful green trunks and branches. An Iconic Desert Tree; The Palo Verde The […]

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Fall Citrus Tree Care

In the Desert Southwest, we are fortunate to be able to grow citrus.  In early fall, your citrus tree probably looks like the one pictured, with green fruit that is getting ready to ripen in this winter. It is time for the third fertilizer application to your citrus trees if you have not already done […]

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September Blooms Outside My Door

The blooming of my desert willow tree (Chilopsis linearis), is beginning to slow down.  The leaves will fall in December.  However, there were a few lovely pink flowers left. Also, the recent monsoon storms have caused my ‘Rio Bravo’ sage, (Leucophyllum langmaniae), to burst out in flower. Beautiful, magenta brachts surrounding the tiny, cream-colored flowers on […]