Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com

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Got Old, Overgrown Plants? Know When to Prune or Replace

Dealing with the Dilemma of an Overgrown Plant: To Prune or Replace? Overgrown plant, old Texas sage (Leucophyllum frutescens ‘Green Cloud’) The Challenge of Aging Plants in the Landscape You have undoubtedly seen old, overgrown plants filled with mostly leafless branches that rarely flower anymore. Or, perhaps it is an aged succulent that has brown […]

Garden Travels: A Visit Through the Pages of Harry Potter

Harry Potter garden Have you ever visited a garden taken from the pages of a book? I recently had the rather unusual experience of reliving one of my favorite book series while walking through a truly unique garden. Over the past couple of posts, I’ve been sharing the adventures of my latest garden travels which […]