Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com

The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat

Family Olympic Celebration Are you one of those people who obsessively watches the Olympics? I am.  Every two years, I find myself rearranging my schedule and converting our kitchen island into my makeshift office so that I can watch the Olympics. You would think that my love affair with the Olympics would mean that I […]

Drought Tolerant and Beautiful: Flame Acanthus

Do you like colorful flowers and hummingbirds? If so, you may want to consider adding flame acanthus (Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii)  to your garden. This is a fairly new addition to my garden and the local hummingbirds are so happy to see it in my garden. It blooms from late spring into fall and I love […]

Drought Tolerant Fairy Gardens

The popularity of fairy or miniature gardens is evident with whole Pinterest boards dedicated to them as well as nurseries having entire sections filled with fairy garden furniture and accessories. During a recent visit to California, I visited the J. Woeste Nursery, which had taken a slightly different direction with fairy gardens. Theirs were decidedly […]

Summer Garden Adventures With a Twist

Summer is a season filled with warm weather (or hot if you live in the desert) and brightly colored blossoms. While I usually enjoy the view of my summer garden from the comfort of my air-conditioned house, this year I’ve experienced a twist in my summer gardening experience.   I have spent time gardening this […]