Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com

A ‘Different’ Kind of Parking Lot Island

Most of the time when you walk through a parking lot, you are often greeted by the appearance of islands scattered throughout overplanted with badly maintained shrubs. Last month, I drove into a parking lot that was quite unusual in that it was planted with attractive succulents and not ugly shrubs. Attractive Succulents Instead of shrubs, […]

Happy 11th Gotcha Day!

This year, the anniversary of a very important date in our family’s life quietly snuck up on us. Exactly 11 years ago in a hotel lobby in China, my life was changed when our son Kai, was first placed in my arms. He was 2 1/2 years old and wasn’t sure what to think about […]

Television, Frost, Plants and a Cold That Won’t Go Away

January is off to a busy start.  We have gone from a house bursting at the seams to one that seems suddenly spacious after my two oldest daughters left for home with their children.  While I do miss them, I must admit that I never thought a house filled with 3 teenagers would seem quiet. […]

AZ Plant Lady’s Christmas and New Year Newsletter

Do you write a family Christmas letter telling people what has been happening in the past year? I confess that I have never done this before.  But today, I thought that I would write one for you that talks about our Christmas celebration and what the coming year holds in store. Christmas was spent with […]

New Roses for the Desert Garden

Do you garden in winter? For most of us, the answer is decidely “no”.  That is also true for many of us who live in warmer climates as the shorter days often slow down plant growth. However, for those of us who are rose lovers, winter is a time of rejoicing as nursery shelves begin […]


‘Boss’ For a Day…

Last week, I had one of my best days at work.  I had to do some work out in the field, which entailed placing 3 large boulders in a high profile landscape design of a golf course. While placing boulders may seem rather boring to some, I must say that I always enjoy this job. Why […]


A Welcome Visit

Some of you may remember me sharing about my oldest daughter moving to a small town in Michigan back in early September – “Goodbye Arizona, Hello Michigan”.  It was so hard to see them go, but at the same time, I was excited for their new future as they left to join my son-in-law who […]

A Small Town Visit and Holiday Traditions

Do you live in a small town? For those of us who live in cities, or in my case a suburb of a large city, visiting a small town may be as close as we get to experience the delights that they have to offer. My husband and I recently took a trip to the […]