Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com

4 Furry Bundles Behind the Lilac Vine

Have you ever had your day take a completely different turn than you anticipated?  Mine certainly did, and it all started with a discovery behind the lilac vine. My day was off to a great start.  I didn’t have any appointments or looming writing deadlines.  Couple that with a weather forecast in the 70’s, I decided […]

Poppies in the Vegetable Garden

What do you have growing in your vegetable garden? I have three separate gardens where I grow vegetables, but they aren’t the only thing that is growing in the rich, moist soil. Red Poppies There are also red poppies present alongside the Swiss chard and leaf lettuce.   It all started 4 years ago with a […]


Butterfly Gardening for the Southwest Garden

Do you like butterflies? It’s hard to find anyone who doesn’t.  The sight of a butterfly makes us pause whatever we were doing and take a few moments to observe their fragile beauty. Kids are even more entranced by butterflies.  Every year, I take my kids to visit the Desert Botanical Garden’s butterfly exhibit where […]


Great Landscape Design: Drought Tolerant and Beautiful!

Have you ever found yourself driving through a neighborhood past landscapes planted with the commonly planted lantana and oleander shrubs when you see something completely different that catches your attention? A few weeks ago, I was leaving a client’s home in North Phoenix and started on my way home, when I drove past this beautiful, […]


Creating a Hummingbird Container Garden

Does the idea of attracting hummingbirds to your outdoor space appeal to you? It’s hard to find anyone who wouldn’t welcome these colorful visitors. The best way to attract hummingbirds is to have a garden filled with their favorite nectar plants, but what if you don’t have a garden space or any room for additional plants? What […]


Badly Pruned Trees OR How Not to Prune Trees

I have a love affair with trees. It’s true. I love their beautiful branch architecture, foliage and the dappled shade that they provide. Living in the desert Southwest, shade is a valuable commodity with the relief it offers from the intense sun and cool temperatures it offers. For all these reasons and more, I can’t […]


Badly Pruned Trees and What They Should Look Like

I recently shared some examples of ‘butchered’ trees and asked you to try to identify what each tree was. You can take the quiz here, if you like before seeing the answers, below. As promised, here the photos of badly pruned trees and what they should look like: Badly Pruned Trees Photo: #1 – Desert […]


Fuss-Free Purple-Flowering Beauty

Yesterday, doing several errands, I was driving through the parking lot of our local Walmart when I saw a sight that stopped me dead in my tracks. Now, normally parking lots are prime examples of bad landscape practices with over-planted and excessively pruned shrubs.  But, what I saw was truly breathtaking. Purple Blossoms This fuss-free, shrub was […]


Two New Water Wise Plant Discoveries

Do you like discovering new things? I do. Particularly newer plant introductions. New plant hybrids are always being discovered and I am always on the lookout for new ones.  I like to use newer plant introductions in landscapes to help give them a new and updated look.  Last week, I told you about my partnership with Monrovia […]