Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com


Unique Containers: Day 5 – Flowers on the Move

As we continue along on our week-long journey of unique containers, I thought that I would share with you one that is portable. Marigolds and Dianthus This old wheelbarrow makes a very useful container because you can move it easily to a shady or sunny area as needed. This antique wheelbarrow is filled with marigolds […]


Unique Containers: Day 4 – Flowers On Two Wheels

Today, I have two different unique containers to show you and both are on two wheels. Different Unique Containers This old bicycle was located in a place where bikes and horses are commonplace and cars are not. I saw this unique container while visiting Mackinac Island earlier this summer.  The front basket was lined with […]


Unique Containers: Day 3 – A Rusty Bed

One of my favorite unique containers came in a most unexpected form… My Favorite Unique Containers Okay, what does an old, rusty pickup truck have to do with plants? The bed of the pickup was filled with soil and potato plants. Now, if that isn’t a unique container, then I don’t know what is. I […]


Unique Containers: Day 2 – ‘Trashy’ Containers

What kind of containers do you have planted in your garden? Are they terra-cotta, glazed or plastic? Do you have any unique containers? I like seeing plants that have been planted in unusual containers.  So this week, I will be sharing with you some of my favorites that I have seen on my travels throughout the […]


Unique Containers: Day 1 – A Gift From Italy

Do you like to container garden? I do.   I have annual flowers, herbs, succulents and vegetables growing in a variety of containers around my garden. Containers are a great way to expand the boundaries of your garden.  Even if you don’t have any piece of earth to grow a plant in, you can create a […]


Southwest Plant Profile: Texas Sage

Are you familiar with Texas sage, also referred to as Texas ranger? If you live in the Southwest, you have undoubtedly seen these beautiful shrubs. Believe it or not, these purple flowering beauties are a fuss-free plant. Unfortunately, some people over prune them… The one on the left has been pruned into a ‘ball’ while the […]


Favorite DIY Posts – Day 5: How to Dry Herbs

I enjoy growing herbs for two reasons.  First, they are easy to grow and second, I love to use them when I cook. In addition to fresh herbs, I also use dried herbs from time to time, especially in winter when some of my favorite herbs (basil) aren’t growing. While drying herbs is rather simple, there […]


Favorite DIY Posts- Day 4: Freezing Herbs Into Ice Cubes

Do you grow your own herbs? Did you know that you can preserve them by freezing them? I frequently freeze my freshly-harvested herbs into ice cubes so that they are easily on hand, even when they are out of season. “Freeze Herbs Into Ice Cubes” Whenever I need them in my favorite dish, I simply […]