Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com


Favorite DIY Posts – Day 3: Stepping Stones and Border

Do you have a border in your garden?  How about a decorative garden that you made yourself? Last year, I visited a garden that had a beautiful border that the owner made herself using concrete mix, broken dishes and glass beads. There were also lovely step stones as well. The creator of this functional garden […]


Favorite DIY Posts – Day 2: Natural Grapefruit Cleaner

What kind of household cleaner do you use? Earlier this year, I had heard of DIY natural cleaners made from grapefruit and decided to try it out myself. The cleaner was very easy to make and I used grapefruit from my mother’s tree, although you can get yours from the grocery store. I was pleasantly […]


Favorite DIY Posts – Day 1: Natural Air-Fresheners

I have spent the past few weeks indoors whenever possible avoiding the desert heat.  While I do venture outdoors occasionally to do consults and take a weekly tour of the garden to make sure everything is okay. We did lose a small tree and some branches during a fierce monsoon storm over the weekend, but I was grateful […]


Favorite Flower Photos: Day 5 – A Cloud of Yellow

Yellow is a great color to include in the garden.   Why? Yellow-flowering plants will help the other colors in your garden to ‘pop’ visually because it provides great color contrast. Damainita (Chrysactinia mexicana)  One of my favorite yellow-flowering plants is damianita, which blooms in spring and again in fall. It thrives in hot, sunny, desert […]

Favorite Flower Photos: Day 3 – Orange Beauty

Do you like orange flowers? I do. Orange Jubilee (Tecoma x ‘Orange Jubilee’)  Which is why I have the orange flowering beauty in my garden. Clusters of orange, tubular flowers hang from this large shrub from spring through fall, making the hummingbirds in my garden very happy. Learn more about this beautiful shrub and how to grow […]

Favorite Flower Photos: Day 2

I am sharing with you a few of my favorite close-up flower photographs this week. Here is one that brightens up my garden summer and into early fall… Sunflower  It is hard to find a flower that grows so large and that is easy to grow. I plant mine from seed each spring and then plant […]


Favorite Flower Photos: Day 1

The dog days of summer have arrived, which means that I spend most of my time indoors.  So, I spend time on my garden writing, knitting, trying new recipes and catching up on reading some great books.   I also decided to tackle my photo library.  It is very large and filled with gardening photos, covering […]


Stepping Out of the Garden

Life has been quite busy, which has kept me out of the garden much of the time. Of course, the with the hot temperatures of summer, I probably wouldn’t be spending a lot of time outdoors, regardless of how busy I have been. I did spend some time weeding my vegetable garden last week and […]