Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com


On the Road To….???

I love to travel. A lot. For the past few years, I leave my husband and kids behind and embark on a road trip along with my mother where we explore a different region of the United States. We fly into one city, rent a car and several days (and states later) fly out of a […]

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Southwest Garden Tasks: June Edition

June is here, which marks the official beginning of hot, dry weather throughout the southwest. While most of us can be found indoors in the comfort of air-conditioning – your plants can be suffering from the heat and intense sunlight. May and June can be some of the most difficult months for plants in the […]

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The Gardens of Bisbee

Earlier this week, I have been sharing with you about our recent trip into the old, mining town of Bisbee, AZ. From unique pieces of art, the friendly people, great food and endless stairways, our trip was so much fun.   What I haven’t shown you in my earlier posts are the plants and gardens of Bisbee, […]

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On The Road to Bisbee…

Have you ever visited a place that took you a long time to get to? I’m not talking about how long it takes to travel there but the length of time that you had wanted to visit a place before you finally got there. I have lived in Arizona for 28 years and during that […]


The Great Stair Climb…

Earlier this month, my husband and I traveled to Bisbee, Arizona. For those of you who have never visited, Bisbee is a fun, quirky place that marches to the beat of its own drummer.  I had a great time! Bisbee, Arizona is an old, mining town built on a side of a mountain.  As a result, […]

Yellow-Flowering, Native Beauty

The back wall along my backyard is covered in yellow blossoms spring through fall. Every year, I find myself pleasantly surprised that such this lovely, yellow-flowering shrub is native to southwestern deserts on into Mexico. Most of the flowering plants in my garden have a long flowering period.  I tend not to waste time on plants […]