Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com

My Spring Garden in Winter

In the past, I have shown parts of my garden, but never a comprehensive look.  So, I thought I would share with you a more comprehensive look at my garden. First, I’d like to show you my newest part of my garden, which is located on the side of my house – just outside of my kitchen […]

Feathery Foliage, Yellow Flowers and Tough as Nails

Last month, I asked you on my Facebook page, which plant I should profile in my upcoming article for Houzz.com  (Every month, I write a plant profile on plants that grow well in the Southwest.)   My blogger friend, Becky, who lives in Tucson, mentioned that Feathery Cassia (Senna artemisoides) would be a good choice. Surprisingly, I […]

The Many Uses for Lemons and a Little Feathered Friend

Well, it is that time of year again, when citrus trees are full of fruit and that includes the lemon tree at Double S Farms. Growing up in California, we always had a lemon tree in the backyard and I kind of took them for granted.  Then I grew up and moved into my first […]

A Few New Ideas for Sustainable Landscapes

When most people think of a ‘sustainable landscape’, they view one that is boring, filled with few plants which is why they are often surprised to see how beautiful they are. Over the past couple of weeks, we have talked about small steps that you can take toward a more sustainable landscape and today, we […]

Small Steps Towards Sustainability in the Garden

A sustainable, low-maintenance landscape is not only beautiful, it can save the use of unneeded resources such as maintenance, time and money. To date, our series on sustainable landscaping has talked about what is a sustainable landscape.  Next, we talked about what often goes wrong in the landscape that causes us to use unneeded resources.   In […]

Small Steps Toward a Sustainable Landscape – Part 1

*This blog post contains affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, I may receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). Thanks for your support in this way. Do you have a sustainable landscape? One that does not require excessive amounts of fertilizer, water, pruning, gasoline or time? Over the past week, […]

What Keeps a Landscape From Being Sustainable?

Have you ever wondered how sustainable your landscape is? Earlier this week, we began our series of posts on sustainable landscaping and talked about what a sustainable landscape is.  You can find the first post here. Most of us like the idea of having an attractive landscape without wasting resources such as fertilizer, excessive pruning and water, time and gasoline unnecessarily.  But, […]

What Is a Sustainable Landscape?

Do you know what ‘sustainable landscaping’ is?  Would you be able to identify a sustainable landscape if you saw one? Last weekend, I spoke to a large group about “New Ideas for Sustainable Landscaping”.  The community that I spoke to are in the process of becoming an Audubon International Sustainable Community, which would make them the […]

New Ideas for Sustainable Landscaping: A Preview…

New Ideas for Sustainable Landscaping Have you ever given much thought about how sustainable your landscape is? I must confess that I have been giving it a lot of thought lately. I am busy putting the final touches on a presentation that I am giving tomorrow on “New Ideas for Sustainable Landscaping”. The community where […]


A Harvest from Two Gardens…

This past week, I was blessed with harvesting produce from two different gardens. One was from one of my vegetable gardens… Harvesting produce About a 1/4 of my side vegetable garden is planted with cauliflower. Over the weekend, I was able to harvest my first cauliflower of the season.   Now, I am aware that some […]