Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com

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Purple, Prickly and Gorgeous!

If anyone asks me what is on my list of succulent favorites, Santa-rita prickly pear would be near the top. Santa-rita prickly pear with new pads. This beautiful prickly pear is also often referred to as ‘purple prickly pear’. I love how the its gray/blue pads become gradually tinged with purple as the temperatures get cold. […]

Drought-Tolerant Landscapes – Colorful or Boring?

When you envision a drought-tolerant landscape, does a landscape covered in colored gravel with a cactus or two come to mind? Believe it or not, this type of landscape style was popular back in the 70’s and some people have never moved beyond this outdated trend. Well, let us fast-forward to present day when a […]

Vegetable Gardens in Unexpected Places

Where do you expect to see vegetable gardens planted? Most of the time, vegetable gardens are found in the backyard. But, have you ever  thought of locating your vegetable garden somewhere else? This home in the Encanto district, in downtown Phoenix, has a great way of utilizing space in the front yard for growing vegetables. […]

First Harvest – 2 Years In The Making…

Today, was a very special day in the garden and it took almost 2 years to reach this date. Today marks the first harvest from our young orange tree.  When planting trees, it is best to dig them 3x as wide as the rootball to allow roots an easier time to grow outward.  However, plant […]

A Garden Stroll Through Memory Lane

A week ago, my husband and I took a stroll through our past, visiting the campus of Westmont College in Montecito, California, where we met 28 years ago. What is special about this place is not only the memories, but the beautiful gardens that surround it. Last week, I introduced you to the converted mansion, the […]

A Visit to the Past and Through Beautiful Gardens…

Last weekend, our family loaded our suitcases into the car and headed out to Southern California to visit my second-oldest daughter, Rachele, who is stationed there at a Navy base. I was excited to see Rachele, but also to visit that part of California since it is near where I grew up and also where […]

Cookies and Sugar Cone Christmas Trees

I love Christmas… Not just the day itself and celebrating our Savior’s birth, but I love all the preparations and celebrations that occur this time of year. At this point, I can usually take a deep breath and sit back and enjoy the coming days.  Gifts are wrapped, the house is somewhat clean and desserts […]


Red-Blooms All Winter and Spring

Every year as Christmas approaches and most of my plants have gone to sleep for the winter, my favorite shrub is just getting started… It begins with small buds appearing along each branch. By mid-January, the buds have burst open, exposing their crimson centers. By Valentine’s Day, my shrubs are absolutely covered in masses of […]

A Preview of My Newest Project…

Earlier this week, I went out for my first visit to a new landscape project… New landscape project As you can see, they aren’t quite ready for me to step into this project. This church had to have all of its stucco redone. Many of the plants were removed, but some are still intact. New landscape […]