Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com

What Do Tomatoes, Starbucks and Christmas Have In Common?

Does the fact that Christmas is fast approaching make you think of growing tomatoes? Of course not.  Our thoughts are focused on making sure our homes are decorated for Christmas, looking for the perfect gift for that special someone and hopefully some holiday baking. But, I am going to tell you why you should also be […]


How to Protect Plants From Frost

Freezing temperatures are coming tonight and forecast to last for the next several days. Take a drive down the street in your neighborhood, you will probably see landscape plants covered with assorted sheets, towels or frost cloth. Those that don’t protect their frost-sensitive plants such as lantana, bougainvillea, yellow bells, orange jubilee or hibiscus will […]

Add Dramatic Flair With Ocotillo

Beautiful Ocotillo Flowers There is little that can compare to the dramatic silhouette that Ocotillo add to the landscape. I have been fascinated by these plants ever since I moved to the desert, over 27 years ago. Since then, I have planted Ocotillo in landscapes around golf courses and even have one of my own, […]

Happy Thanksgiving Treat…

Today is a very busy day for me…much to busy to even step out into the garden. But, all my plants are happy – especially since the drenching rain they received over the weekend. Every year, Thanksgiving is usually held at my house and I can often be seen this time of year running around, trying […]

Rainy Day Harvest

I don’t know about you, but I have enjoyed the wet weather of the past few days.  We almost received 3 inches of rain where I live in a period of 48 hours.  For those of you who do not live in the desert – that is considered A LOT of rain for us 😉 I […]

Fall, Flowering Tree and Thanksgiving Plans…

Every year, without fail, my thoughts tend to stray away from the garden and begin to focus on the upcoming holidays. I start to think about out how many people we will be hosting for our annual Thanksgiving feast along with a host of other things… Will I be roasting a whole turkey or try […]

What’s Happening In My Fall Garden…

My Fall Garden A few days ago, I received an unexpected gift.  This gift was a morning where I had no appointments, I didn’t have to babysit my granddaughter, the kids were in school and I was caught up with all of my garden writing. So, what should I do with this gift of time? […]


What Is Wrong With This Citrus Tree: The Answer

Yesterday, I showed you a photo of a citrus tree that I came upon during a landscape consultation.   I mentioned that there was more then one problem affecting this tree.  There are actually two large problems and one small problem. Problem #1: Look at the area near the trunk.  Notice a little green shoot coming […]

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What Is Wrong With This Citrus Tree?

something wrong with citrus tree Last week, I came upon this citrus tree while I was doing a consultation. At first, there was one problem that I noticed right away.  As I peered closer, I saw that there was another problem affecting this tree. The tree was well-fertilized and I could see no sign of […]