Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com


What Is Growing In My Vegetable Garden…

Earlier this week, I shared with you the four vegetables that I am growing for the first time this year.  I will be sure to share with you how they do as the season progresses. In addition to my experimenting with new vegetables, I am also growing some favorite cool-season vegetables… My favorite cool-season vegetable […]

Fall Decorating Via The Produce Aisle…

Have you decorated your home for the fall holidays yet?  I decided to do a little something different for this fall.  Instead of spending a lot of money on fake pumpkins and other decorations that I would later need to find storage space for – I went a more ‘natural’ route with a little help […]

Experimenting in the Vegetable Garden

The past two weekends have been busy ones in my household, or should I say, gardens. The beginning of October signals great planting weather for all types of plants and vegetables.  As a result, I have been busy planting cool season vegetables in my edible gardens as well as sprucing up my container plantings. Introducing […]

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Create A Fall Centerpiece From The Produce Aisle

Is you home decorated for fall yet? I am still working on getting my house ready for the fall holidays.   Normally, I am content to buy a single pumpkin and set it in the middle of my dining room table.  But, after seeing my mother’s beautiful fall centerpiece (above), I decided to try to do […]

AZ Plant Lady House Call: Citrus, Herbs, Sun and Bare Walls

Oftentimes when I am called to help a homeowner with their landscape, they pose a problem and/or a question about a certain area in their landscape. I will share a few with, you now and then, in the hopes that I can help those of you who may have a similar situation. Okay, let’s first […]

What’s Wrong With This Landscape: The Answer

Welcome to the second edition of “AZ Plant Lady Drive By: What’s Wrong With My Landscape”. Where you able to figure out what was wrong with the landscape, below? I got some great answers and they were all right, BUT only one person noticed one problem that others hadn’t. Here are a few of the […]

AZ Plant Lady Drive By: What’s Wrong With This Landscape?

A few weeks ago, I introduced a new feature called “AZ Plant Lady Drive By”, where I show a photo of a landscape that I have driven by that has something wrong. My goal is to help you avoid making the same mistake in your own landscape. The response to my last one was overwhelming, […]

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The Best Palo Verde Tree Variety

I don’t have a favorite tree….I actually have quite a few favorites.  But, if I had to pick one that I like most of all, it would be the ‘Desert Museum’ Palo Verde (Parkinsonia x ‘Desert Museum’). Remarkable Hybrid Origins of the ‘Desert Museum’ Palo Verde This Palo Verde is natural hybrid, resulting from 3 […]

Are You Ready For Fall?

Earlier this week, we were at my mother’s house for our traditional Tuesday night dinner.  I love having one night off a week from making dinner and it is nice to hang out with my siblings and their families, who also come. However, as I entered the house, I saw my mother’s beautiful fall display […]