Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com

What’s Happening to My Green Tomatoes…

The temperatures outside are not just chilly – they are COLD (21 degrees outside yesterday morning in my garden).   You may recall that I wrote about picking the green tomatoes off my vines a few weeks before the first frost appeared.   I had quite a few. Well, I decided to let them ripen […]

Green Vegetable Harvest

The gifts are wrapped and the house is decorated for Christmas. I do still have to clean my house and start baking goodies for Christmas Eve dinner.  My mother-in-law is bringing her famous lasagna, so I only have to focus on side dishes and dessert – yum! I am fairly prepared for the holidays at […]

Vegetable Garden Before The First Frost

This morning, I spent some time outside in one of my vegetable gardens with my granddaughter, Lily. While I worked, she had fun with the plants in my containers.   cool-season containers My cool-season containers are in full bloom.  Leaf lettuce, petunias, garlic, parsley and nasturtiums are growing very well. My 1-year old tomato plants […]

Got Mistletoe?

The other day, my son Kai asked me what mistletoe was.  I explained that it was a little plant that grew on trees that people hung over doorways during the holidays.  At this point, he looked a little puzzled at why people would want to hang a plant over the door.  But as I went […]

DIY Tomato Cage Christmas Tree

You’ll never guess what I made this Christmas tree out of… A tomato cage, mini-white Christmas lights and a hair band is all that it took to create this festive Christmas tree. I brought out my tomato cages and grabbed some Christmas lights and took the hair band out of my hair 😉 I used […]

The Bearer of Bad News…

Most of my job as a horticulturist and garden writer is fun.   But sometimes, I have to be the bearer of bad news. Last week, I was called to a home where the homeowners were worried about one of their citrus trees.  Although I am a horticulturist, I am also a Certified Arborist, which can […]

An Old, Antique Watering Can Re-Purposed

One of my favorite memories as a child was visiting antique stores with my mother.  We usually did this whenever we went on vacation.  My dad would stop the car whenever she saw a store that looked promising. Now that I am an adult, my mother and I have fun visiting antique stores when we […]

Lesser Known Plants To Try In Your Garden – Snapdragon Penstemon

If you find yourself driving through the neighborhood, chances are that you will see an abundance of particular types of plants.   However, what you often do not see are a wide variety of plants.  Instead, you usually see the same kind of plants repeated from landscape to landscape. For example, in the larger Phoenix metro […]