Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com

December In The Garden….Sit Back And Relax

With all of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it as a blessing that our desert gardens need little, if any attention during this month, letting us have more time for all of our numerous holiday activities. I realize it is hard to believe that in our year-round gardening climate, that not having […]

A Hidden Garden in the Smallest Place

I came upon a hidden garden while I was visiting a charming little town in Wales.  Actually this town, Llantwrtyd Wells, (population 700), is the smallest town in Great Britain.  I can’t pronounce the name correctly, my Gaelic is rather rusty – or I should say non-existent, but this tiny town is a special place […]

My Winter (& Spring) Tomatoes

As I write this, it is raining outside.  I love the rain.  I always have, even as a young girl growing up in Southern California.   I especially like the thought of all the rain falling on my vegetable garden. If you look closely, you might notice something growing that usually doesn’t belong in a winter […]

Crowded Shrubs and Pizza Night at Costco

My family has a tradition of gathering together at Costco (of all places) for dinner once a month. (For those of you who don’t know what Costco is – it is a lot like Sam’s Club). You see, we all love Costco and their pizza is pretty good.  So, my mother, sisters, brother and their […]

Six Trees, a Boy Scout and a Horticulturist

Last time we visited together, I was “talking” about having to plant shrubs around our church along with a boy scout who was working on his community hours for his next badge. As I promised, here is ‘part two’ where we planted six 15-gallon trees together. Before we planted the 15-gallon trees, I was asked […]

A Boy Scout, a Horticulturist and a Lot of Plants

A few months ago, I was asked to help re-design part of our church’s parking lot landscape.  There was nothing really wrong with it except for some old plants and some dying Chinese Elm trees. So, I created a design that switched out the dying Chinese Elm trees, which don’t do all that well in […]

Visit to a Client’s Desert Garden

Usually when I am called to a help out a homeowner with their landscape, it is because they are having a problem with their plants, or sometimes they are new to the desert and want to learn how to garden in our dry climate.   Last week, I visited a homeowner who had some questions about […]

Changing Out the Old for the New…

There is a gardening task that I both enjoy and dread when I have to do it twice every year.   Now, I am not only doing it for myself, but also for my mother-in-law. So what it is this task? The seasonal task of changing out flowering annuals or in this case perennials, that are […]

Further Temptations at the Nursery…

Do you suffer from temptation when you visit your local plant nursery? I certainly did during my last visit.  I had such a great time and took quite a few photos, so I had to split them up into two separate posts.(You can read the first post here if you like). I have saved my […]

Nursery Visit and Temptations…

This past weekend, I was on a mission. My mission was to replace the few plants that had died in my in-laws garden as well as replace their warm-season annuals with cool-season ones. Unfortunately, I could not indulge my creative side and re-design the landscape that I had originally created 9 years ago because my […]