Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com

A House-Call and an Unusual Prescription

Two weeks ago I received a phone call from one of my long-time clients.  She was frantic about her Hibiscus plant.  I’m not kidding…. Why was she so upset?  Well, she had received this potted Hibiscus from her friend who had grown it for years.  She was having a problem with white flies attacking her […]

Modern Shrub Sculpture?

Last week, I was visiting one of my favorite communities visiting a client’s sick Hibiscus plant. (I’m not kidding about making a ‘house call’ about a single, indoor plant.  I will tell you more about that story in another post). So, I was finished with my visit and decided to drive around the neighborhood.  This […]

Two Beautiful Garden Bouquets and Ups and Downs…

This weekend has been an extreme roller-coaster of highs and lows.   Mostly lows though….. You know what makes a person feel better though?  A beautiful bouquet.  I would like to showcase two bouquets that were submitted for August’s Monthly Garden Bouquet. I can’t wait to share them with you. Isn’t it lovely? This bouquet was […]


August To Do List…

You know, every month seems to fly by before I think about what I should be doing in the garden.  Is it that way for you too? I mentioned in an earlier post that I am busy writing garden articles that will be published in November.  So my brain is thinking of all the things […]

How Do Plants Deal With Drought?

Recently, the drought that is being experience in Texas has dominated much of the news. I have a friend who lives in Dallas and she says that it is pretty bad. For those of us who live in the Southwest, the idea of a drought is not foreign to us.  We have some years with plentiful […]

Showing Love Through…..Pruning?

A couple of weeks ago, we were spending our weekly visit with my husband’s parents. Because my father-in-law is suffering from ALS, he can no longer do anything around the house or the garden for that matter. My father-in-law always did his own landscaping chores. He took great pride in having a meticulous landscape.  And yes, that […]

Time To Plant Vegetables Already?

Believe it or not, it is time to plant certain kinds of vegetables right now.   Yes, I realize that it is August and it is hot and the last thing you probably want to do is have to plant seeds out in your vegetable garden.   But, just keep telling yourself that by working a little […]

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Turn Your Boring Green ‘Ball’ Into a Beautiful, Flowering Shrub

Many people tell me that they are tired of their boring, round green shrubs.  Often, they are surprised when I tell them that those ‘boring’ green balls would actually flower if given a chance. So, how do you take those boring green balls and turn them into beautiful, flowering shrubs?   ‘Green Cloud’ Texas Sage shrubs […]

Over-Pruning Epidemic Hits Again….

Okay, for those of you who have read my ‘ramblings’ for any length of time, you are probably familiar with my personal crusade against the widespread pruning epidemic of creating balls, cupcakes, frisbees and other assorted shapes with flowering shrubs. The fact that pruning flowering shrubs too often can lead to early plant death plus […]