Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com


Which Would You Prefer? Poodled or Natural?

Anyone who has spent any time with me in the garden, soon learns how much I dislike formal pruning of flowering shrubs and desert trees.  In the plant industry, we sometimes refer to this type of pruning as ‘poodle pruning’ because of the over abundance of round-shaped trees and shrubs. I spend a lot of […]

Are You Ready?

I spent last week visiting with a client who was worried that he had lost 80% of his plants to the hard freeze that we had experienced earlier this winter. I must admit that there was more brown then green in his garden, like the majority of homeowners in our area.  Countless homeowners are anxiously […]

A Flowering Willow…..A Lesser Known Tree for the Garden

You know what?  Sometimes life gets so busy and crazy.  Now, I am sure that none of you are surprised by my ‘earth-shattering’ statement.  But that is how I am feeling today.  Life is full of both grief and joy and it is strange to feel both emotions at the same time, isn’t it? Wow….I […]

A Lesser-Known Honeysuckle….

I can think of quite a few different plants that have the word “honeysuckle” listed as part of their common name. I am very excited to share this particular plant with you because of one trait that is sometimes hard to find in many desert-adapted plants. What is this trait? Well, it thrives in filtered […]

What to do With a Dirty Chicken? Give it a Bath…..

I was planning on continuing my series of posts of “Lesser Known Plants for the Garden” today…..that is until I saw my sister’s latest blog post. Now for those of you who may not be familiar with my youngest sister; she is a resident of Double S Farms where she lives with her family and […]

A Bright, Sunny, Lesser-Known Plant for the Garden

I wrote earlier this month about the extreme cold temperatures that we had been dealing with.  Well, we are now experiencing warmer then normal temperatures with highs hitting about 78 degrees F.  While I do love this weather, I am NOT liking how my allergies have flared up.  I am writing this with swollen, itchy […]

Beautiful Flowers and Fragrant Foliage….Try This Lesser Known Plant

I have been enjoying sharing with you some of my favorite lesser-known plants.  These are plants that are not used enough in the landscape and can brighten up an otherwise boring landscape filled with over-used landscape plants such as Lantana, Dwarf Oleander, etc.  My last post featured the beautiful Valentine shrub. I am very excited […]

Are You A Trendsetter? Try This Lesser Known Plant

When you describe yourself, do you think of yourself as a trendsetter?  Do you wear the most current fashions or drive the newest style of car? Well, anyone who knows me well, would not use the word trendsetter to describe me.  Now that doesn’t mean that my clothing or car are out of style…..I am […]

Breaking Out My Pruners…….In 22 Days

Every year about this time, I get tired of seeing this in my garden…… My brown shrubs Pretty ugly, isn’t it? Just looking at my frozen Lantana, causes me to feel the pull of my pruners calling out to me. Even though I know all the reasons that I should NOT prune them now, it […]