Entries by arizonaplantlady@gmail.com

Curing the Garden Blahs…..Form and Texture

I do hope you all had a good week.  I have had a busy week of consultations as well as preparing for two upcoming speaking engagements, (which I love to do by the way).  But the most exciting thing is that I am working on getting ready for a trip along the east coast – […]

Mysterious Happenings in the Vegetable Garden…..

A few weeks ago, I ventured out to my vegetable garden, eager to see the seedlings that I had sowed the week before.  My seedlings had started to break through the soil a couple of days earlier. Our Vegetable Garden in May We had enjoyed a wonderful summer crop and I was looking forward to […]

Curing the Garden Blahs with Color

I hope you all had a great weekend and are ready for the week ahead.  I know I am 🙂  I would like to continue on with our “Curing the Garden Blahs” series and focus on one of my favorite aspects…..color. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that just by adding some color […]

Steps Towards Curing the Garden Blahs….Where to Place Plants?

I have been looking forward to writing this next installment because I am passionate about garden design.  I had planned to post this yesterday, but, as sometimes happens, ‘life’ interrupted.   Yesterday, we received a call from the school principal (never a good thing).  In fact, I would love to hear from someone who has ever […]

A Celebratory September MGD

I must admit, that I particularly enjoyed creating this month’s Monthly Garden Bouquet.  In fact, it is the simplest one that I have put together.  It mirrors how I feel today……the bright colors of the flowers just make me want to celebrate.   Patriot Lantana ‘Desert Sunset’ Without a doubt, one of my favorite shrubs is […]

Steps Towards Curing the Garden Blahs….Part 1

I must admit, that I have been looking forward to this topic and have been pouring over past photos of my landscape consults.  I didn’t realize how many photos that I had accrued over the years of boring gardens so it has taken me a while to put this post together. My last post asked […]

Does Your Garden Have the Blahs?

How do you know if your garden truly has the blahs?  Well, take the quiz below and see….. 1. Does your garden appear somewhat lackluster lately?   2. Is the only color present, varying shades of green?   3. Do you have fewer plants then when your garden was first planted?  4. Are the only shapes in […]

Lost and Found in the Garden….

This past spring, I was pleasantly surprised to find some previously lost plants growing again in my front garden.  How did I lose them in the first place?  Well, when I first designed and planted our garden, over 10 years ago, I included quite a few different flowering perennials.  Like many flowering perennials, they were […]

Evidence of a Procrastinator…..

I know that none of us wants to admit to procrastinating…..but in my case the evidence is getting more clear with each passing day. Beautifull Gold Lantana The pathway to my front door, is getting narrower and narrower and soon, there will be no pathway visible and guests will have to wade through my Lantana. […]

Citrus, September and Lemonade….

Growing up, we had a lemon tree in our backyard in California.  I loved to be able to go outside and just pick lemons whenever we needed them.  As an adult, I must admit that of all the different kinds of citrus trees – lemon are my favorite.  Our first home in Phoenix came with […]