Do you like the look of ornamental grasses? One of my favorite plants has the appearance of ornamental grass but isn’t.
Bear grass (Nolina microcarpa) has lovely, evergreen foliage that mimics the look of grasses. But, my favorite part is the curlicue ends of the leaves.
ornamental grass
Aren’t they neat?
Like the other drought-tolerant and beautiful plants that I profile, bear grass thrives in hot, dry locations with little attention. Another bonus is that they easily handle 100+ temperatures in summer and can also survive winter temps down to -10 degrees F.
Want to learn more? Check out my latest plant profile on Houzz.
When you visit a nursery, do you wonder which plants are drought tolerant as opposed to those who will wilt if not given enough water?
There are a few different traits that many drought-tolerant plants share. For example, did you know that small leaves and gray foliage can be signs that a plant may be drought-tolerant?
I recently shared several traits to look for when shopping for drought-tolerant plants for
I hope this article will help you to create a beautiful, drought-tolerant garden! 13:00:002022-11-02 00:54:16How to Tell If a Plant is Drought Tolerant
A few weeks ago, I was asked by one of my editors to come up with a list of the top 10 plants that every resident of the Southwest should consider adding to their Southwestern landscape.
I must admit that the task was a bit daunting at first – not because I couldn’t think of enough plants. The problem was that my list was much larger.
How Easy is it to Find Native Southwestern Landscape Plants at a Local Nursery?
I had to pare my list down and decided to focus on plants that would grow in zones 7 – 10, which cover much of the desert Southwest. In addition, they had to be low-maintenance, native, beautiful and easy to grow.
After considering all of the criteria, I still had about 20 plants. So, I added one other criteria of my own – how easy is it to find at your local nursery?
At the end, I had 10 plants that I was very happy with – but I could have easily added a lot more 😉
I hope you enjoy reading through this list of 10 essential plants for the desert Southwest.
Flourishing Amidst Adversity: 10 Resilient Plants in the Southwestern Landscape
The desert Southwest is a region of extremes, with scorching summer heat and chilling winter temperatures that challenge even the most robust flora. Yet, in the face of such harsh conditions, these native plants not only survive but thrive. Equipped with remarkable adaptations, these tenacious species call the arid landscapes of the U.S. Southwest their home.
Enduring the relentless dry heat and enduring the freezing winter cold, they serve as a testament to nature’s resilience. Beyond their endurance, these plants play a vital role in the ecosystem, providing nectar for birds and bees, and shelter for native bird species. Every one of these drought-resistant plants contributes to the desert’s beauty.
Embracing the Sun: Essential Care Tips for Desert Native Plants
To cultivate a thriving desert garden, sunlight is key. Native desert plants require full sun, although some tolerate partial shade for a portion of the day. Optimal growth is achieved through deep, infrequent watering and well-drained soil.
Allow water to penetrate down to 1½ to 2 feet deep, ensuring the soil dries out before rewatering. For irrigation efficiency, drip systems are recommended. While new plants need more water until established, these desert natives rarely require additional fertilization.
1. Damianita (Chrysactinia mexicana): Thriving Delicacy of the Chihuahuan Desert
Delicate Flowers: The Charming Resilience of Damianita
Enduring the fiery extremes of the Chihuahuan desert, Damianita (Chrysactinia mexicana) emerges as a hardy and enchanting yellow ground cover (see above). Flourishing under full, reflected sun, this seemingly delicate plant showcases dark green, aromatic foliage, which undergoes a stunning transformation with the arrival of spring and fall.
Golden yellow flowers blanket the plant, adding a vibrant contrast to the arid landscape. Flourishing in well-drained soil, Damianita harmoniously complements the red flowers of firecracker penstemon and Valentine bush, as well as the purple blooms of desert ruellia.
2. Firecracker Penstemon (Penstemon eatonii): Painting Winter with Vibrant Hues
A Symphony of Color: Firecracker Penstemon’s Winter Splendor
In the midst of winter’s muted tones, the firecracker penstemon (Penstemon eatonii) ignites low-desert gardens with bursts of orange-red brilliance. Serving as a beacon of color during the colder months, this drought-tolerant perennial offers vital nectar for hummingbirds in winter scarcity.
Adaptable to cold winters and scorching summers, firecracker penstemon’s vibrant presence is enhanced when paired with complementary yellow-flowering perennials. Angelita daisy, damianita, and desert marigold join forces in a chromatic display, thriving under full sun or partial shade in well-drained soil.
3. Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens): A Dance of Life in Arid Lands
Nature’s Hummingbird Feeder: Ocotillo is a Migrating Hummingbird’s Favorite
Stretching towards the desert sky, ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) graces the Southwestern landscape with its elegant canes. Unique among shrubs, ocotillo’s canes burst forth with lush green leaves in response to rain showers and humidity, contrasting the arid surroundings (see photo right).
Vermilion-colored flowers crown the canes in spring, offering a lifeline to migrating hummingbirds. These vibrant blooms stand as a testament to ocotillo’s resilience and unwavering commitment to the desert ecosystem. A sun-soaked habitat is essential for this desert shrub’s growth.
4. Parry’s Agave (Agave parryi): Desert Elegance in Every Form
Sculpted Beauty: Parry’s Agave’s Role in Desert Aesthetics
Adorning the arid landscapes of central Arizona and New Mexico, Parry’s agave (Agave parryi) stands as a quintessential element of Southwestern scenery. Ranging from majestic giants to diminutive varieties, agaves exhibit a wide array of forms.
Parry’s agave, with its medium stature and captivating leaf shapes and colors, thrives in a spectrum of environments. Its resilience to colder temperatures and ability to thrive in sun-soaked spaces make it a preferred choice for desert landscaping.
5. Texas Ranger (Leucophyllum frutescens): The Majesty of Purple Blossoms
Nature’s Artist: Texas Ranger’s Purple Symphony
Residing in the heart of the Southwestern desert, the Texas Ranger (Leucophyllum frutescens) commands attention with its awe-inspiring purple blooms. Aptly known as the barometer bush, it responds to humidity and rainfall, painting the landscape with its vibrant hues in response.
Even without its dramatic blossoms, the evergreen gray-green foliage of the Texas Ranger exudes an intrinsic charm. This resilient shrub’s ability to thrive under the unrelenting sun and reflected heat underscores its stature as a true desert gem.
6. Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis): Nature’s Respite in Summer
Shade of Summer: Desert Willow’s Cooling Elegance
Amidst the scorching summer of the southwestern landscape, the desert willow (Chilopsis linearis) emerges as a refreshing oasis. This medium-sized deciduous tree enchants with its large, colorful blossoms that beckon hummingbirds from far and wide. (See the flowers in the image right)
Its vibrant pink and magenta flowers offer dappled shade to the plants below, providing relief from the desert’s intensity. Versatile and thornless, the desert willow thrives in smaller spaces, making it a charming addition to courtyards and patios.
7. Pink Muhly (Muhlenbergia capillaris): A Fall Color Explosion
Autumn’s Blush: Pink Muhly’s Dance of Color
The transition to fall heralds a breathtaking transformation as pink muhly (Muhlenbergia capillaris) takes the stage. Ornamental grasses provide texture and contrast in the landscape, and pink muhly stands out for its vibrant fall display.
As summer yields to autumn, the green foliage is adorned with plumes of pinkish-burgundy, casting a rosy enchantment over the surroundings. This ornamental grass thrives in the desert’s abundant sunlight and can be artfully clustered for a striking visual impact.
8. Red Yucca (Hesperaloe parviflora): Sun-Kissed Elegance
A Desert Gem: Red Yucca’s Sunlit Splendor
Thriving under the full, reflected sun of the desert, the red yucca (Hesperaloe parviflora) stands as a beacon of effortless beauty. Its succulent leaves bear a resemblance to ornamental grass, while spikes of coral-colored flowers grace the landscape in spring and early summer.
Adding a touch of elegance, the red yucca effortlessly weaves color and texture into the Southwestern tapestry, undeterred by the region’s demanding climate.
9. Santa Rita Prickly Pear (Opuntia violaceae santa-rita): A Desert Icon
Nature’s Palette: Santa Rita Prickly Pear is a Must-Have for Shape and Design
The Southwestern landscape would be incomplete without the iconic presence of prickly pears. Among them, the Santa Rita prickly pear (Opuntia violaceae santa-rita) stands out with its captivating purple-tinged gray-blue pads.
Adapting its hue in response to drought and cold, it is a testament to nature’s artistry. Against this unique backdrop, yellow flowers burst forth in spring, amplifying the species’ beauty. Its distinctive appearance makes it a valuable choice for creating visual contrast in the garden.
10. Yellow Bells (Tecoma stans): A Long-Lasting Serenade
Golden Harmonies: Yellow Bells’ Melodic Bloom
Elevating the desert landscape with a touch of the exotic, yellow bells (Tecoma stans) exude a tropical charm. Their large, trumpet-shaped flowers bring shades of yellow to the arid backdrop, evoking a sense of warmth.
In a captivating display, these flowers bloom from the end of winter until just before the first frost, a resounding chorus of color for an extended period. Serving as a vital nectar source, yellow bells enrich the desert ecosystem, inviting hummingbirds and bees to partake in its golden bounty.
Plant These Native Plants in the Southwestern Landscape
The desert Southwestern landscape may present challenges, but these ten top native plants have evolved to not only endure but flourish amidst adversity. With adaptations that defy the elements, these species contribute to the intricate web of life in the desert, adding splashes of color and life to the arid landscape.
By embracing these resilient beauties, gardeners can cultivate oases of natural wonder in even the most unforgiving of terrains. 13:30:002023-08-30 13:25:2410 Best Plants for the Southwestern Landscape
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Have you ever made a discovery that was literally under your nose?
I did.
Earlier this month, I embarked on a tour of low-water gardens that displayed sustainable design throughout the greater Phoenix area.
The earlier parts of our tour showed examples of water harvesting using cisterns along with man-made arroyos. Then we viewed a creative example of sustainable design for a beautiful parking lot that needed no supplemental water and little to no maintenance.
I mentioned last week that I had saved the best for last and I can’t wait to share with you this jewel in the midst of a desert city.
The last stop on our tour of low-water and sustainable gardens was the Scottsdale Xeriscape Demonstration Garden.
The garden is just over 5 acres and sits hidden from the street next to Chaparral Park in central Scottsdale.
Over 200 different types of plants are used throughout the garden, all of which are drought-tolerant and well-adapted to our hot, dry climate.
My friend and fellow blogger, Pam Penick, came with me to this beautiful garden (you can see her at the top of the terraced planters).
One of my favorite parts of the garden included this innovative design, called the ‘Terraced Cascade’ which creates the appearance of water traveling down between terraced planters filled with Palo Blanco trees (Acacia willardiana) and Desert Marigold (Baileya multiradiata).
Water does flow down discretely hidden steps between the terraces during times of heavy rainfall toward the water harvest basin where it waters existing plants before flowing underground toward the nearby lake.
Raised planters were filled with flowering Ocotillo as well as Birdcage Evening Primrose (Oenothera deltoides).
Birdcage Evening Primrose (Oenothera deltoides) in the foreground and Mexican Evening Primrose (Oenothera berlanderi) growing against the Ocotillo.
I must admit that I was surprised to find this garden in an area that I used to spend a lot of time in.
Years ago, before the garden existed, my husband and I would take evening walks around the nearby lake with our daughter. Believe it or not, before there was a garden, there used to be a miniature golf course in this location.
I love stone walls and would have some in my own garden, if I could afford them. The stone walls were capped with flagstone and had rows of round stones, which added an unexpected touch of texture.
From our vantage point, we could see to the other side of the garden where a tall, dead tree stood. Trees like this are called a ‘snag’, which is a dead or dying tree. This tree provides a home for hawks, which help keep the rabbit population down.
Baja Fairy Duster (Calliandra californica) and Desert Marigold (Baileya multiradiata)
Gabion walls were used along pathways to created terraces to help slow down storm water in order to reduce flooding while watering the plants.
The demonstration garden is located next to a water treatment plant and part of the garden sits on top of a reservoir that contains 5.5 million gallons of treated water.
Deer Grass in the foreground.
One of the things that I enjoy about demonstration gardens is that they ‘demonstrate’ different gardening methods as well as showcasing plants.
In this case, I was impressed with the collection of plant species used, which aren’t typically seen in residential or commercial landscapes, which is a shame.
As we walked down the main path, we came upon a man-made, mesquite ‘bosque’. The word ‘bosque’ is used to refer to stands of trees nearby rivers or washes throughout the southwestern United States. Usually, you’ll find these bosques made up of mesquite trees.
This bosque was planted with Honey Mesquite trees (Prosopis glandulosa), which is simply stunning in spring when it’s bright-green leaves reappear. A warning though – it has thorns.
Palo Brea (Parkinsonia praecox) trees and gabion walls line the main walkway.
Plants are maintained just the way I like them – no shearing or over-pruning.
Gold Mound Lantana, Orange Bush Lantana and Pink & White Globe Mallow.
The main pathway parallels the local dog park.
There is little that can compare to the beauty of the new spring leaves of mesquite trees. I love how the coral-colored variety of Bougainvillea and the yellow flowers of Aloe Vera look like brightly-colored jewels along with the leaves of the mesquite.
Nearing the end of the trail, I couldn’t help but marvel at this beautiful garden and its creative design.
Throughout the garden were educational signs talking about a myriad of gardening subjects that were clearly illustrated by the garden itself including planning and design, plant care and desert habitat.
A large cistern was located on one end of the trail, which was filled with the average amount of water that a household uses in 1 week.
Around the outer border of the cistern is an American Indian saying that says:
Those are words that all of us who live in the dry, southwest should all ponder…
I hope you have enjoyed these posts of our tour of sustainable, southwestern landscapes in the greater Phoenix area.
Pam and I drove about 170 miles in one day and we weren’t able to see all of the great examples of sustainable landscaping. However, if you are interested in seeing examples of sustainable gardening, then I would recommend starting at the Desert Botanical Garden, which is filled with arid-adapted plants that thrive in our climate with minimal water and fuss. 13:30:002022-11-10 10:53:10A Jewel in the City: Sustainable Landscapes Part 3
When you envision a drought-tolerant landscape, does a landscape covered in colored gravel with a cactus or two come to mind?
Believe it or not, this type of landscape style was popular back in the 70’s and some people have never moved beyond this outdated trend.
Well, let us fast-forward to present day when a drought-tolerant landscape can look like this…
I drove by this beautiful landscape, filled with succulents and other drought-tolerant plants on a recent trip to Santa Barbara, CA.
I love the magenta-colored brachts of the Bougainvillea, the green spiky Spanish Bayonet Yucca (Yucca Aloifolia) along with the gray/blue of Century Plant (Agave americana).
The orange flowers of Aloe arborescens are also a favorite of mine. I also like how the blue/gray leaves of the ‘Blue Chalk Sticks’ variety of Ice Plant (Senecio mandraliscae) provides a cool color contrast.
You may be surprised to discover that this beautiful, drought-tolerant landscape is part of an entry to a large estate and that there is another side filled with drought-tolerant plants.
On this side, you can see Trailing Rosemary (Rosmarinus officials ‘Prostratus’) spilling over the front with Tropical Bird-of-Paradise (Strelitzia reginae) right behind.
A low-growing pink Bougainvillea shows off its bright colors along with the spiky orange flowers of the Aloe nearby.
Look closely, and you can see the paddles of a Prickly Pear cactus (not sure what species) and the variegated spikes of Agave americana ‘Variegata’.
In this last view of this spectacular garden, we see a California Pepper tree (Schinus molle), which is quite familiar to Californians. (We had these trees lining our neighborhood street where I grew up in Southern California.) They are found in the low-desert areas of Arizona, but it is rare to see them.
In the background, you can see two very different types of palm trees. The large one is a Canary Island Date Palm (Phoenix canariensis) while the skinny one is a Mexican Fan Palm (Washingtonia mexicana).
If you look closely, you can see the flowering stalk of an agave as well as the upright columns of a Cereus cactus.
To the left of the mailbox, there is a Jade plant growing, a flowering Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia millii), which I also have growing in my garden.
So, if you think that having a drought-tolerant landscape means looking like this…
It doesn’t!
The majority of plants in the lovely garden in California, can be grown in desert climates.
So, which drought-tolerant landscape would you prefer – a colorful one or one that is boring? 17:56:002021-01-16 06:18:57Drought-Tolerant Landscapes – Colorful or Boring?
Recently, the drought that is being experience in Texas has dominated much of the news. I have a friend who lives in Dallas and she says that it is pretty bad.
For those of us who live in the Southwest, the idea of a drought is not foreign to us. We have some years with plentiful rainfall and others with little at all. Cycles of drought are normal. If you happen to live in the desert in the Southwest and you look at the desert around you, it is clear to see that most of the plants weather drought very well.
How Do Plants Deal With Drought
Have you ever wondered why?
Well, if you really look closely at many native desert plants, you can see how wonderfully adapted they are in regards to how they are designed to conserve water.
For example, let us look at the ‘Rio Bravo’ Sage (Leucophyllum langmaniae ‘Rio Bravo’), which is native to the Chihuahuan Desert.
If you look closely at the flowers above, you can see tiny hairs that cover the surface. What you cannot see is that there are also tiny hairs that cover the leaves, giving them a grayish cast.
The tiny hairs help to reflect the sun and help to keep moisture inside the flowers and leaves.
Here is another great example….
How Do Plants Deal With Drought
Here are the leaves of my Palo Blanco tree (Acacia willardiana), which is native to the Sonoran Desert. The leaves are so tiny, which helps to limit how much water is lost to the atmosphere.
It helps to think of it this way – plants lose water through their leaves (in a process called transpiration). The more sunlight, the more water that is lost.
**At this point it is probably rather obvious that I am somewhat of a ‘science geek’.
Now, did you know that there is a reason that cacti have spines?
Photo:Spines of a Saguaro cactus
Besides providing protection from animals who may want to eat them, the thousands of spines provide shade on the surface of the cactus, which helps reduce the amount of water lost.
Lastly, is one of my favorite trees….
How Do Plants Deal With Drought
Palo Verde trees are perhaps most famous for their green trunk. Well, besides being beautiful, the green trunk serves as an important survival mechanism when drought occurs.
In the Sonoran Desert, you will find Palo Verde trees growing all over. Now unlike the Palo Verde trees found in a landscape setting (above), that receive supplemental irrigation the Palo Verde trees in the desert survive on rainfall alone.
So what do they do in drought conditions? Well, they drop all their leaves, which greatly reduces the amount of water lost to the atmosphere.
Now most trees would die soon without leaves to continue to make ‘food’ for the tree (photosynthesis). But, the green trunk of the Palo Verde can make ‘food’ for the tree, even in the absence of leaves.
Pretty cool, huh?
So, you have all ‘heard’ some of what I talk to people about when I meet with them in person regarding their landscape. In addition to helping people learn how to care for their plants, I love to tell them more about the amazing plants that they have in their garden.
I hope I didn’t bore you, but I find the ways that plants adapt to their environment just fascinating.
I hope your week is off to a good start.
This is what I call my ‘writing week’ when I work on my gardening articles. I haven’t been given my subjects yet from my editor, but I am writing in advance for the month of November. After a long summer, I am so looking forward to fall 🙂 12:05:002021-02-13 07:47:47How Do Plants Deal With Drought?
I am faced with a wonderful dilemma of selecting a desert tree…
My last post dealt with the loss of one of our beautiful ‘Desert Museum’ palo verde trees. So now we are faced with the question of which type of tree should we choose to replace the one that I lost? We worked hard the past couple of days to remove the fallen tree and now have a bare space to fill.
I have lived in my home (and garden) for over ten years. As our house was being built, we designed the surrounding garden. I enjoyed deciding which trees I would choose to grace our desert garden with not only beauty but shade in the summer months. I honestly do not understand people who don’t plant trees in the garden – especially in desert climates. They not only provide wonderful shade in the summer months but also add a lot of value to your property.
*This blog contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I may earn a small commission with no additional cost to you.
Considering Options for Selecting a Desert Tree
I loved my palo verde tree that fell…..I have two others just like it, including the one pictured above. There is much to like about these trees beside the beautiful green trunks – they are fast growing, thornless, evergreen and yellow flowers in the spring. The only drawbacks are that there is litter from the fallen flowers in spring, which means that it should not be planted by a pool. The fallen flowers do not bother me at all – I rather enjoy the carpet of yellow.
But, even with all of the wonderful attributes of this tree, I have decided to select another type of tree as it’s the replacement. Why may you ask? Well, because they grow quickly, I do have to prune them quite a bit. I do not mind pruning, but pruning three of these trees each year was becoming much more of a chore.
Another reason is that in addition to being a horticulturist, I am also a certified arborist and I do love trees and have grown many different kinds in the landscapes that I managed. Right now, I have 14 trees (8 different types) growing in my front, back and side gardens. I would enjoy adding another kind of tree to my plant palette.
So, here comes the fun part…which one to choose?
Selecting a Desert Tree Variety:
Desert Fern (Lysiloma thornberi)
Desert Fern (Lysiloma thornberi, Lysiloma watsonii var. thornberi, Lysiloma microphylla var. thornberi)
One of my favorite things about the desert fern is the beautiful, fern-like leaves – hence its common name.
Another plus is that is a native, desert tree and is thornless. The leaves turn a slight maroon color in the winter in our zone 8b climate. In colder winters the leaves may drop altogether. Although what I would call a medium sized tree, it typically grows from 15 – 45 feet high and wide.
One drawback is that it does produce brown seed pods, which some people do not like, but I have no problem with them at all.
*I do have a desert fern tree already, and although another one would look great in my newly bare area, I think I will try to choose a different type of tree.
Sweet Acacia (Acacia farnesiana, Acacia smallii)
Sweet Acacia(Acacia farnesiana, Acacia smallii)
In the springtime, air is perfumed with the fragrance of the bright yellow puffball flowers of the sweet acacia. When not in flower, the tiny, dark green leaves are easier to see.
Although found in other areas of the United States, it is also native to the southwest. The mature size is approximately 25 feet high and wide. In areas with mild winters, the leaves will remain on the tree. Dark brown seedpods are produced once flowering has finished.
Some drawbacks to consider are the thorns having to be careful when pruning is necessary (requiring gloves and long sleeves). Now, I am more of a “Do as I say” person rather than a “Do as I do” person. I always wear gloves when I prune, but I rarely wear long sleeves in the summer months. As a result, I have some small scratch scars on my forearms from pruning sweet acacia in the past.
Although I love the beauty, size and the springtime fragrance of this tree, I don’t think I want to accrue any more scars on my arms 😉
Southern Live Oak (Quercus virginiana)
Southern Live Oak (Quercus virginiana)
Believe it or not, oak trees do very well in our desert climate. Southern live oak, cork oak, and holly oak are all found in the suburban landscape. Southern live oak is the most prevalent, however.
There is little not to love about these trees – they are thornless, have evergreen foliage, are tolerant of full and reflected sun making this tree very low-maintenance. In non-desert climates, they can reach heights of up to 40 – 60 ft., but will not grow that large in the desert. In the landscape areas that I managed, they were a favorite because there was so little maintenance required.
Tired of struggling in the desert garden? Sign up for my online course, DESERT GARDENING 101.
I may be crazy, but this tree seems a little boring to me. Not sure exactly what it is. I spent my teenage years growing up in the town of Thousand Oaks, California and the hillsides are dotted with large, specimen oak trees. The oak trees that I see growing in our area do not resemble the ones from my childhood, so maybe that is the reason that I do not have any in my garden. But, I would wholeheartedly recommend this tree to anyone who wants a lovely, low-maintenance tree.
Bottle Tree (Brachychiton populneus)
Bottle Tree (Brachychiton populneus)
Some of you may be surprised to know that many of our trees and shrubs are grown in our arid climate are native to Australia. The bottle tree is one of them. First of all, I love the shape of the leaves and how the sun reflects off of them in a gentle breeze. I also like the slightly pendulous way that the branches hang down. Evergreen in areas with mild winters and a smooth trunk make it an asset in the garden. Its mature size of 30 – 45 feet high and 30 feet wide, makes it suitable for narrower spaces.
As a child, growing up in Los Angeles, we had one in our front garden. My sister and I used to pretend that the little flowers were ‘fairy caps’ and the flowers were soon followed by large, brown seedpods.
The pods themselves are quite cool looking, and my mother would use them in making wreaths out of seedpods. But what I most remember about the seedpods is getting some of the ‘fuzz’ from the inside stuck on my bare feet, and it hurt. I think that is maybe why I do not have this tree in my garden. But, many people I know who have a bottle tree love them.
**One note of caution, this tree is quite susceptible to Texas (Cotton) root rot (a fungal disease that infects the roots). So if you know of cases of Texas root rot in your neighborhood, I would advise growing another type of tree.
Palo Blanco (Acacia willardiana)
Palo Blanco (Acacia willardiana)
If you have not already noticed already, I am somewhat biased about certain types of trees. This one is one of my favorite smaller trees. The word ‘palo blanco; means “white stick” in Spanish and refers to the white trunk of this tree – considered to be one of its most attractive assets.
The bark peels off in papery sheets. Palo blanco trees look great when planted near each other in groups of 3 or 5 where their distinctive tree trunks can be shown off.
I also like the bright green foliage of the trees and their tiny leaflets. In winter, the leaves do fall from the desert native, but they are so small and do not create much litter.
When mature, it reaches a height of 15 – 20 feet and spreads to 10 feet wide which makes it suitable for a patio tree or other small area. Maintenance is minimal, only requiring a small amount of pruning.
Tiny flowers grace the tree in spring, followed by decorative seed pods.
I like these trees so much that I have three of them. They are growing against my west-facing garden wall and do great in the reflected sun. But, I will probably choose something else for my bare area since I would like a tree that is a little larger for that area.
Indian Rosewood / Sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo)
Indian Rosewood / Sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo)
It’s hard to beat the sissoo tree for fast growth and shade. However, they ARE NOT recommended for average size residential landscapes. The photo of the tree above was taken four years after it was planted from a 15-gallon container and it rapidly grew even larger – soon, it had to be removed due to its invasive roots. This tree made its debut in the Phoenix area about 15 years ago and rapidly became quite popular for its lush green beauty.
As sissoo trees have been grown in the southwest landscape for several years, problems have begun to crop up. They have invasive root systems that cause problems with sidewalks, patio decks, pools, and block walls. Also, their mature size is so big that they dwarf the landscapes they have been planted in. Shallow watering often causes the roots to grow along the surface.
Sissoo trees are best used in large outdoor areas such as parks.
Olive (Olea europaea)
Olive (Olea europaea)
As an option, olive trees work well. Most are multi-trunk with beautiful olive green leaves. They are evergreen and thornless. Regular fruiting olives are no longer sold in many cities due to their highly allergenic pollen. Thankfully, there is a non-fruiting cultivar called ‘Swan Hill Olives’® which is available.
Reaching a mature size of 20 – 30 feet high and wide, olive trees make excellent shade trees and are slow-growing. Some olive trees have fallen prey to some creative pruning (see photo below).
Definitely memorable, but not quite my taste. I would like a tree that will not take too long to grow, so let’s press on to other trees.
An excellent choice is Texas ebony. Particularly for those who like a dense, dark green canopy of leaves. Native to both Texas and Mexico, this tree does very well in the Arizona desert. Everything about this tree is dark – the green leaves the dark brown trunk.
This evergreen tree, has thorns and large brown seedpods. Texas ebony grows slowly to about 15 – 30 feet high and 15 – 20 feet wide.
This is a favorite tree with my clients, but again, I am looking for a tree that grows more quickly.
Chinese Pistache (Pistacia chinensis)
Chinese Pistache (Pistacia chinensis)
An excellent tree for those who like lush, green trees that lose their leaves in winter. Chinese pistache grows to 25 – 25 feet high and wide and has some welcome surprises. It is a deciduous tree known for its stunning fall foliage. Native to China, this tree has become popular in various regions due to its vibrant red, orange, and yellow leaves during autumn. Its small, round fruits are enjoyed by birds.
Chinese Pistache trees are also valued for their drought tolerance and adaptability to different soil types, making them a favored choice for landscaping and urban environments.
It is one of the few trees in our area that produces a rich fall color. Female trees produce clusters of little berries in the fall.
I like this tree, but I want to see more trees before I decide…..
Cascalote (Caesalpinia cacalaco)
Cascalote (Caesalpinia cacalaco)
Another tree that also provides beautiful color in fall and winter is the cascalote. Plumes of yellow flowers start to appear in November and stay through December. At maturity, they reach approximately 15 feet tall and wide.
I love the clusters of small round leaves that are evergreen.
Now I am not a fan of thorns, but the thorns on this tree are almost pretty. You need to plant this tree away from pedestrian areas due to the thorns. You can remove the thorns if you like, which is what I have done in the past. However, there is now a thornless variety, called ‘Smoothie.’
The first flowers of the season begin to open. I bought my first one on a field trip with my Plant Identification college class to the Boyce Thompson Arboretum. I brought it home and planted it in a container because we were renting a house at the time, waiting for our new home to be built. Later, I planted it in our front garden, and I look forward to the beautiful yellow flowers in the fall.
Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis)
Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis)
Believe it or not, some pine trees also do well in the desert. I love the sound of the wind as it blows through pine trees. Aleppo, Canary Island (Pinus canariensis) and mondel pines (Pinus eldarica) are all found in suburban areas of the lower desert areas of the southwest.
Depending on the species, they grow anywhere from 30 – 60 feet tall and most should not be planted in a residential landscape unless there is ample room for growth. They can suffer from soils and water with high amounts of salts.
Pine trees offer heavy shade that will prevent most grasses from growing underneath. Pine needles litter the ground as well. But did you know that pine needles make an excellent mulch? As they break down, they help to acidify our alkaline soils. And so, if you have a neighbor with pine trees, offer to rake some pine needles up to put in your garden. Your neighbor will be so happy 🙂
I am pretty sure that I will not plant a pine tree because I have memories of many hours spent nursing along many pine trees growing on golf courses that were irrigated with reclaimed water. Most of the pine trees did not do well with the high level of salts in the effluent water.
Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis)
Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis)
A summer favorite is the desert willow tree. Beautiful, willow-shaped leaves and flowers brighten up the summer garden. It can grow anywhere from 8 – 30 feet high and wide. Available in both single and multi-trunk, I prefer the beauty of the multi-trunk shape.
You will find this tree growing in parks, roadside plantings as well as in residential landscapes. Its small-medium size makes it suitable for smaller areas. It does lose its leaves in winter and forms narrow seed capsules. While not the prettiest tree in winter, the flowers produced spring through fall make it more than worth it and there are new (almost seedless) varieties such as ‘Bubba’ and ‘Timeless Beauty’ that produce little to no seedpods.
That is why I have four currently growing in my garden. They are simply lovely.
I would still like to find something different, that I do not currently have growing in my garden.
I need to continue looking at possible tree choices. (You can check out my second post of possible tree selections, here 🙂
P.S. Do you have more questions about choosing a tree for your landscape? I share my experience as a horticulturist and certified arborist and profile my top 20 along with all of their characteristics in my mini-course “How to Select the Right Tree for Your Desert Garden”. 23:52:002024-03-01 11:55:16How to Select A Desert Tree
Who doesn’t like Queen’s Wreath Vine? I have a renewed appreciation for my Queen’s Wreath Vine, also known as Antigonon leptopus. In the garden during the summer months it is fabulous. Now, I realize that there are some who do enjoy the satisfaction of working hard with their plants. The last thing I want to do is have to fuss over a plant in the middle of the summer heat so that it will look beautiful for me. I would much rather enjoy the ‘natural beauty’ of my summer plants looking through the windows from the comfort of my air-conditioned home.
Embracing the Beauty of Queen’s Wreath Vine
Earlier this summer, I wrote about one of my favorite ‘natural beauties’ in the garden, Yellow Bells. Today, I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite summer vines. It is a wonderful example of fabulous vine that is a ‘natural beauty.’
Queen’s Wreath vines grace the Arizona State University campus.
The Natural Charm of Queen’s Wreath Vine
Queen Wreath Vine (Antigonon leptopus) is a colorful asset to my garden. This ‘natural beauty’ is a vine that is native to Mexico and Central America. The vibrant vine graces your garden with stunning pink sprays of flowers that last from spring until the first frost. While it can be invasive in tropical areas, it’s easily managed in the desert climate.
In our desert climate, they do require supplemental water, but no fertilizer is needed. Bees are attracted to the beautiful flowers, and I love the pretty heart-shaped leaves.
Queen’s Wreath is a robust vine. It can endure in full sun including areas of reflected heat. It will also grow in light shade although flowering will be reduced. The only maintenance required in my garden is pruning it back in winter once it dies back after the first frost. The roots are hardy to 20 degrees F, and in the spring, it quickly grows back with a trellis, fence or an arbor for support.
A wall of Queen’s Wreath Vine at ASU
The only consistent maintenance required in my garden is pruning it back in winter once it dies back after the first frost. However the roots are hardy to 20 degrees F, and in the spring, it quickly grows back with a trellis, fence or an arbor for support. See more in the mini-guide below
Step 1: Choosing the Ideal Location
To successfully cultivate Queen’s Wreath Vine, select a sunny spot in your garden where it can bask in plenty of sunlight. While it can tolerate light shade, it thrives when exposed to full sun, making it an ideal choice for areas with reflected heat.
Step 2: Preparing the Soil
Ensure the soil is well-draining to prevent waterlogged roots. Queen’s Wreath Vine thrives in various soil types but benefits from enriched soil containing organic matter.
Step 3: Planting the Vine
Plant your Queen’s Wreath Vine near a trellis, fence, or arbor to provide the necessary support for its growth. Dig a hole deep enough to comfortably accommodate its root system.
Step 4: Proper Watering
While Queen’s Wreath Vine becomes drought-tolerant once established, it appreciates supplemental watering, especially during dry spells. Water deeply to encourage robust root development, but make sure the plant has good drainage.
Step 5: Pruning and Maintenance
In winter, after the first frost, prune any dead or overgrown branches to promote vigorous spring growth. Minimal maintenance will keep your Queen’s Wreath Vine flourishing year after year.
By following these steps, you can enjoy the ‘natural beauty’ of Queen’s Wreath Vine in your own garden without the fuss, and revel in its stunning pink displays throughout the year.
My first experience with queen’s wreath was in our first home in Phoenix, where there was a support made up of twine tied between two palm trees. We had no idea why it was there, but it sure looked ugly. Well, before we had time to remove the twine, beautiful, light green, heart-shaped leaves began climbing up the support and quickly covered it. Gorgeous sprays of pink flowers rapidly followed, which was a pleasant surprise.
What natural beauties are enjoying in your garden this month?
I will be sharing another favorite ‘natural beauty’ from my garden soon. 19:27:002023-09-05 15:33:36Natural Beauty Without The Fuss – Queen’s Wreath
Did you know that plants lose most of their water through their leaves? Some of you may remember this fact from their high school biology class. And if you somehow were able to remember anything from your high school biology class – I applaud you 😉 As for me, I did not remember this fact until I had to take more biology courses in college.
Alright, now back to my next question… Have you ever wondered how trees survive hot, dry conditions while still looking green and beautiful? Well, there are many trees like this growing naturally out in the desert and inside of your own garden.
Now, I will not go into a lecture about transpiration (loss of water from parts of the plant, especially leaves). But I will show you how some of my favorite trees survive the intense sun without losing all of their water.
Palo Blanco (Acacia willardiana)
Take a look at the leaves of one of my favorite Acacia species. They are tiny, aren’t they?
Sweet Acacia (Acacia farnesiana)
The leaves of the Sweet Acacia are even tinier.
Some trees vary in the shape of small leaves that they produce. Some leaves are more round in their shape.
Cascalote (Caesalpinia cacalaco)
Leatherleaf Acacia (Acacia craspedocarpa)
Others are long and narrow.
Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis)
Weeping Wattle (Acacia saligna)
What all of these leaves have in common is that they limit the amount of water that is lost to the air.
Ironwood (Olneya tesota)
How do they do this, you may ask? Well it turns out that the smaller the leaf, the less surface area that is exposed to the sun and air. And so as a result, there is less water lost to the atmosphere.
One way that the leaves help to hold on to their water is by having a tough cuticle (outer coating) that also cuts down on water loss. Another way is that many desert trees and plants are light green or gray in color. This helps the leaves to reflect more sunlight and heat.
Of course, trees with large leaves are grown quite successfully here in the desert and you will find many of them growing in the landscape.
Orchid Tree (Bauhinia variegata)
Since we live in a semi-tropical environment, many trees from tropical areas thrive in our climate. They are largely characterized by large leaves.
Some trees with large leaves require high amounts of water to grow since they lose so much water through their leaves. Now, I am not saying that you should not use trees that have larger leaves, but if you do decide to include them in your landscape, I would limit them to only a few and then plant more drought-tolerant trees as well.
Some of my other favorite drought tolerant trees that are not pictured are the Palo Verde, Texas Ebony, Eucalpytus and Mesquite.
Below, is one of my favorite desert trees, the Lysiloma, which is a perfect example of a tree adapted to our desert climate and is extremely drought tolerant – just look at the tiny leaves. They look somewhat like the fronds of a fern from far away.
Lysiloma leaves
Some examples of trees that are known to be high water users are Cottonwood, Ash, Weeping Willow and Chinese Pistache trees.
For those of you who want to do all you can about conserving water in the landscape, I would recommend that you select trees that have smaller leaves and/or are known to be drought tolerant. You can find more trees listed and find out whether or not they are high or low water users at this helpful link. 14:17:002021-02-26 10:10:09Large Trees and Little Leaves…
As most would expect, water is considered a precious resource in the desert. But, did you know that there are more plant problems caused due to over-watering then under-watering?
Believe it or not, it is true. Most people are surprised to hear that up to 70% of residential water usage goes to watering trees and plants in your landscape. This high percentage is because many homeowners over-water their trees and plants.
Beavertail Prickly Pear (Opuntia basilaris) and Globe Mallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua
During college, I was fortunate to intern at the City of Mesa Water Conservation Office. The lessons that I learned there would last a lifetime. Nowadays, when I visit clients to help them with their landscapes, over 90% of the time I find that their irrigation schedule is incorrect – they water too lightly and too often.
This results in shallow roots and salt build-up in and around the root zone. (If you have seen a white substance around your plants, there is a good chance that it is the salts from the soil. And just an FYI – just like high amounts of salt are not good for us; they are not good for plants either).
Overwatering will weaken your plants, especially during the summer since their roots are close to the surface where they become hot and dry out much more quickly.
It’s important to note that plants need to be watered deeply, which does two things. First, it causes the roots to grow deeper into the soil, where it is cooler and stays moister longer. Secondly, it helps to reduce the salts in the soil and keeps them away from the root zone.
Your plants do not need the same amount of irrigation all year. Plants follow the weather- the hotter it is, the more water they need and when temperatures dip, the less that they need. For example, I water my garden once every 20 days in the winter, (excluding grass and annuals), and it is healthy and looks great. If you only take one thing from this article, then please let it be this; CHANGE THE WATERING SCHEDULE ON YOUR IRRIGATION CONTROLLER SEASONALLY.
Now, you are probably asking “How do I know what schedule my plants and lawn should be on?” Well, the folks at Water Use It Wisely is coming to your rescue. They have excellent information for the homeowner on the proper irrigation schedule for your plants. You can view it here: Landscape Watering Guide.
This guide was made for people who reside in the Phoenix metropolitan area. However, people who live in dry climates everywhere will find useful information regarding irrigation, and you can also contact your local extension office for locally published materials. **Most cities have information for their residents regarding watering schedules for their local climate. You can also contact your local cooperative extension office who often have this information as well.
If you find that you have been over-watering your plants, make sure that when you switch to the correct irrigation schedule, that you gradually change the schedule so that your plants have a chance to adjust.
Make sure you have the correct irrigation schedule which lets you have healthier plants, a lower water bill, and helps conserve water.
**For those of you not familiar with drip irrigation. The primary way the southwest waters their plants. Water is brought to the plant by a series of plastic pipes, tubing & emitters. The emitters drip water slowly to the root zone of the plant, reducing runoff and allowing the water to permeate deeply into the soil, which saves water. 16:49:002021-03-22 06:28:20Can You Over Water Your Plants in the Desert ?
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