Pups In The Garden…Not The Soft, Cuddly Kind
I am talking about Agave babies, which are known as 'pups'.
Parry's Agave with small pup.
I knew that my Parry's Agave, above, had a little pup growing. I have been keeping my eye on it, letting it grow a little bit more before…

What Planet Have I Landed On?
az plant lady family
That was my first thought when I came out to Arizona as a young bride over 23 years ago. Brown mountains, strangely shaped cactus and words like 'javelina', 'dust devil', 'haboob' and 'gila monster' that meant nothing to me were soon…

Is It Possible To Avoid The Winter Ugly Stage?
AZ Plant Lady
Do you ever wonder why some plants go through what I like to call the "Ugly Stage" of winter when they are covered with frost-damaged growth, while the exact same plant(s), located close by do not? Is their any possible way to avoid this…

I’ve Made My Decision…
Okay, I realize that most of you have not been waiting with baited breath to see what three English Roses I have chosen. But for those of you who have, here is what I have decided on....
Abraham Darby (Pink/Peach)Graham Thomas (Yellow)&William…

I Have a Confession To Make…
AZ Plant Lady
Favorite flowers, Mr. Lincoln
My favorite hybrid tea
I have a confession to make....
My favorite flowers in the whole world are roses. Okay, that isn't my confession, but I will get to that later.
In my previous…

No Snow….
AZ Plant Lady
It is rare that we receive any snow in the Phoenix metro area where I live. I have enjoyed living vicariously through many of you who have posted pictures of your beautiful snowy wonderlands. So, unlike many of you, I do not have any…

December Gardens Can Have Flowers and Lots of Color
Flowering Annuals
Summer time brings a riot of color to our desert gardens, which are but a distant memory in December. However, cooler temperatures do not mean that our gardens have to take a holiday. In our desert climate, there are many plants that flower…

Christmas In The Desert….Tumbleweed, Cactus, Boulders And Washes
Christmas in the desert is much the same as it is around the world. Christmas lights adorn homes and trees, with a few notable exceptions. This is the desert after all....we sometimes do things a little differently.
First of all,…

December Blooms – Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day
AZ Plant Lady
Today was a beautiful, crisp day. Temps are in the upper 50's and there are still flowers present in the garden.
Firecracker Penstemon
Hummingbirds just love the flowers. Blooms will continue until late April.

Beautiful Desert Sunset…..Storm Clouds On The Horizon
For those of you who have been fortunate enough to experience a desert sunset, you know how beautiful they can be. In fact, the desert is well known for it's spectacular sunsets.
This photo was taken outside of my front door. …