You Know You’re a Desert Dweller When….
AZ Plant Lady
… you rejoice when it rains!
It sounds crazy, I know, but it is absolutely true. Our weather is usually sunny and beautiful the majority of the year. Now don't get me wrong, we do love our sunny days, but sometimes…

Cold Weather in the Desert ? Are You Kidding ?
This may come as a shock to some of you....but, it does get cold in the desert. Tonight's temperatures are dropping to the low 30's, which for us desert dwellers is cold. Below, is a sampling of how winter looks in the desert.

Dragons In The Garden and Perilous Hills
AZ Plant Lady
Chinese dragons
Who would expect to find dragons in the garden? Well these two Chinese dragons look quite at home in the park gardens.
When I first visited China, I fell in love with the beautiful landscaping that I found…

Winter Flowers, Fragrance and a Funny Name
AZ Plant Lady
Want beautiful foliage, spectacular flowers all packaged up in a tree that blooms in fall and winter? Well, let me introduce you to a medium -sized tree with a funny name: Cascalote (Caesalpinia cacalaco).
I love this medium-sized…

Beauty With Age….
Agave, Arizona, Succulent Gardening
Artichoke Agave (Agave parryi 'truncata')
Our society usually doesn't equate beauty with age. Instead, we celebrate youthful beauty and spend our money on trying to stay looking younger than our years. Thankfully,…

Skeletons in the Desert
Agave, Arizona, Cactus/Succulents, desert
Unveiling the Mysteries of Cactus Skeletons in the Desert
When you think of a desert, you likely picture vast stretches of sand, scorching sun, and towering cacti. These iconic desert plants, such as the saguaro cactus, play a crucial…

Want Some Grass ? Try This One….
Arizona garden, desert gardening, Landscape Problems
Okay, you were probably thinking that I meant the 'other' type of grass. But the type of grass I am referring to cannot be smoked, (at least I don't think it can). 'Regal Mist' (Muhlenbergia capillaris 'Regal Mist'), is a beautiful…

“Scary” Pruning Practices and the Unfortunate Results
Arizona garden, DIY, Landscape No-No
Sometimes when I am driving around, I see a poorly pruned tree or shrub, and I just cringe. It never ceases to amaze me the crazy ways that people take care of their plants. Whenever I see plants like this, I whip out my camera…

Can You Over Water Your Plants in the Desert ?
Arizona garden, desert gardening, Drought Tolerant, Irrigation, Southwest garden
As most would expect, water is considered a precious resource in the desert. But, did you know that there are more plant problems caused due to over-watering then under-watering?
Believe it or not, it is true. Most people are…

Visions of Pink – One Pretty, One Amusing and the Other Unique
Arizona, Arizona garden, Flowering Annuals, Landscape Design
I want to share with you three amazing plants that I encountered on Saturday, each with pink flowers, yet each one so different from the other. I spent the afternoon at the Arboretum at Arizona State University (my alma mater). …