Texas Olive (Cordia)

Drought Tolerant & Beautiful: Texas Olive (Cordia)

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Do you like plants that flower throughout most of the year? How about a plant with evergreen foliage in zone 9-11 gardens throughout the year? Would you prefer a plant that requires very little pruning? If you answered "yes" to…

10 Things To Know Before Buying Plants

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Do you like shopping for plants?  I do.  In fact, I often find myself tempted to buy more plants than I have space for. Southwest Nursery Sometimes, I have come home with a plant I bought on impulse, unable to resist its…

Gather Flower Seeds and Spread the Beauty

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Gather Flower Seeds, Red globe mallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua) Did you know that some flowering desert perennials can be grown easily from seed? Many of the plants in my garden are volunteers that grew from seed from established plants. I…
unique landscape design

Design Notes From the Field: Reflections and Succulent Nooks

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I am always on the lookout for unique landscape design, seeing how others create beauty in the garden so that I can help inspire you with your outdoor spaces. So, here are some design notes from the field that I found that I hope you will find…

Budget Gardening: Two or More Succulents for the Price of One

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Budget Gardening For those of us who love succulents, there is a price to pay. These water-wise plants often cost a lot of money. If you have a bottomless wallet, that may not be a problem, but for those of us who live on a budget…

Planting Ahead: Benefits of Smart Gardening and Desert Landscaping

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Backyard desert landscape with low-water plants. Did you know that what you plant today has short-term and long-term benefits? It's true. As water resources become even more precious, planting wisely is more important than ever. You will…

A New Year and Wonderful Possibilities

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I love winters in the desert. It's a time when activity in the garden slows down and we can sit back and ponder what plans (if any) we have for this new year. As I sit in my office looking outdoors at my winter garden, I see birds visiting…

Read This: Natural Pest Control in the Vegetable Garden

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I love to grow vegetables in my backyard. Nothing beats the flavor of vegetables that you grow yourself, and it is fun and rewarding. That is, until you notice unwelcome insect pests causing damage to your edible crops. In the low to…
cold temperatures

Prepping for a Deep Freeze…

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 It's about to get really cold... Well, cold in this area of the desert southwest.  Temperatures are predicted to dip into the 20s for a few days, which is quite cold for zone 9a. As a result, I am being asked by quite a few…
Noelle shopping for plants at nursery

AZ Plant Lady’s Must-Have Gardening Gifts for the Desert Gardener

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Thoughtful Gardening Gifts: Ten Must-Have Items I love to spend time out in the garden, but it may surprise you to learn that I don't have a garden shed full of tools, fertilizer, and other gardening items. Full Disclosure: I USED…