Hip Surgery

A Tough Little Guy…

I must confess that I am not particularly inspired to write a garden blog post.   The reason for this is that my son, Kai, has been recovering from surgery. Hip Surgery Kai was born with a condition known as arthrogryposis,…
Downtown Chicago

The Green Spaces of Chicago

Downtown Chicago is a very beautiful place with its architecture and the river flowing through it.  However, most of my attention was focused on the green spaces. How much can we see in 2 1/2 hours of walking? My husband and…
Memorial Day at the Family Farm

Memorial Day at the Family Farm

This past Memorial Day, my mother had the entire family (minus my daughter, Rachele, who is in the Navy) over for brunch to celebrate the beginning of summer. As we drove up to the farm, we were greeted by the following sight... My…

A Proud Mama and Two Sleepless Days…

Some of you may have been following along as I have updated you on my daughter, Rachele's, journey as she joined the Navy. For those of you who are only interested in gardening content, here is a container of violas that we saw at the…
hummingbird garden

A Young Gardener and His Special Garden…

Last week, as I was frantically rushing around getting ready to fly out to Chicago to attend my daughter's Navy graduation, I received an email from a reader of my blog, which literally stopped me in my tracks and brought a huge smile to my…
Boho Farm and Home

Arcadia Edible Garden Tour: Part 3

If you have been following along with my last couple of posts (Part 1 and Part 2), then you know that I have been showing some of the highlights of this year's Arcadia Edible Garden Tour. Well, here is the last installment, showing some…
Arcadia Edible Tour

Arcadia Edible Tour: Part 2

Earlier this week, I shared with you the first garden on the Arcadia Edible Tour.  It was just wonderful to see the Sweet Life Garden in person. However, we had to tear ourselves away from the first garden because there were more to…
Arcadia Edible Garden

Arcadia Edible Garden Tour: Part 1

I love visiting other people's gardens, particularly if they have fruit and vegetables growing in them. So, I was thrilled to be able to go on a tour of local 'edible' gardens earlier this month. This is the second year of the Arcadia…

What Should You Do In The Garden in May?

Do you ever wonder what you should be doing in your garden in a particular month? As a freelance writer, I write a few monthly gardening articles and newsletters. So, instead of writing an entirely new blog post, here is my latest…
vegetable garden

The Secret to a Bountiful Vegetable Garden

As you know, I enjoy growing my own vegetables.  Many people ask me what the secret is to a healthy vegetable garden. Well, what if I told you that the secret ingredient is a natural fertilizer that improves your soil, is plentiful…