road trip adventure

Road Trip: Charleston and Window Boxes

Well, after a delayed start yesterday - we finally began our newest road trip adventure. Charleston, South Carolina was our first destination. For those of you who have been to Charleston, you know what a beautiful city it is, steeped…
Flight to Charleston, South Carolina

Leaving On a Jet Plane???

The day of our road trip finally arrived.  Weeks of planning were about to transport us to some wonderful place. However, before we started our road trip, we had to take a flight to our first destination - Charleston, SC.   We…
AZ Plant Lady

On the Road Again…

It's time to hit the road again... Every year, I go on a trip with my mother, exploring different parts of the United States.  We fly into one city, rent a car, travel from town to town for 8 days and then leave from another city. I…
Keep America Beautiful

Keeping America (and Phoenix) Beautiful

A few Saturdays ago, I woke up early in the morning instead of sleeping in. I drove to a site in downtown Phoenix in order to participate in our local chapter of Keep America Beautiful. The gate led into a 15-acre site on Indian School…
gardening tools

‘Toys’ for the Garden

A week ago, I received a very special delivery of what I like to call 'toys' for my garden. It was almost like Christmas and the person who delivered them was even wearing red, just like 'Santa'. I mentioned last month, that I was…

Knit Scarves for Trees?

Last Saturday was a day that we had long prepared for. My husband and I had spent countless hours sitting alongside my youngest daughter, Gracie, helping her practice for her piano recital. She was nervous, but looked so cute in her new…
my mother's vegetable garden

Spring on the Family Farm

Spring is my favorite time in the garden.  Is it yours? Plants are in full bloom and my vegetable garden is filled with both cool-season and a few warm-season crops. Today, I thought that I would take you to the 'farm' to see how…
utility boxes

An Unexpected Big Hole…

Earlier this week, I stepped outside to receive a delivery and was quite surprised at the sight that greeted me... There were two men and a BIG hole in my landscape. Of course, I knew that we had utility boxes for the phone and cable…
beautiful pink rose

First Roses of the Season

I love roses, don't you? Believe it or not, I used to have 40 different varieties of hybrid tea roses in my garden when I lived in Phoenix. Now, I am perfectly happy with my 3 David Austin shrub roses. Technically, they aren't…
recyclable trash

Why Adding Trash to Pots is a Good Idea

In my last post, "Pots, Trash and Goodbyes", I talked about how I bought some new glazed pots for my front entry. You would expect that planting pots is pretty straight forward.  But, what many of you didn't expect was the 'trash' that…