Snapdragon Penstemon

Lesser Known Plants To Try In Your Garden – Snapdragon Penstemon

If you find yourself driving through the neighborhood, chances are that you will see an abundance of particular types of plants.   However, what you often do not see are a wide variety of plants.  Instead, you usually see…
tomato plants

One-Year Old Tomato Plants

My tomato plants are turning one-year old this week. I didn't plant them.  They sprouted up from fallen tomato seeds from a stray tomato that was unpicked the previous year. When I saw the little seedlings coming up, I decided…

‘Designer’ Plants Without the Designer Price

Friends and family know that I cannot pass up a bargain.  I come from a long line of bargain hunters as my mother will attest to 🙂 I do love designer quality, but rarely (if ever) pay full price. This extends to buying plants. …

What Am I Growing In A Grocery Bag?

You'll probably never guess what I am growing in a recyclable bag... Lettuce! So what made me think of growing lettuce in a grocery bag? Well, it wasn't my idea.  I actually saw an article about it and thought it would be…
annual Halloween party

Family, Fun and Sweets for Halloween

Did you have a nice Halloween?  Did you sneak a piece of candy from the bowl of candy you were handing out to trick-or-treaters?  Or maybe you take a piece or two or three from your kids? I was so excited to be hosting our family's…
Octopus Agave

Strange and Unusual Plants All Ready for Halloween

It's that time of year, the weather is cooler, the trees are dressed up in their colors and people are almost ready for Halloween.   My youngest daughter, Gracie, is going to be a 'butterfly princess' this year and my son Kai will…

A Landscape Out of a Dr. Seuss Book…

Have you ever read a Dr. Seuss book? It may be hard to find someone who hasn't.  I had quite a few of his books as a child and "Green Eggs & Ham" was my favorite.   As a mom, I made sure that Dr. Seuss books had a place…
my sister's great photography skills

A Photo Shoot With Kids, a Dog, a Chicken and Me…

Yesterday afternoon, I spent some time having my picture taken. I must admit, that I don't like having my picture taken much.  I end up feeling self-conscious and start thinking about how 'weird' my expression must look (which is…

Too Many Vegetables….How to Thin Seedlings

Is there such a thing as too many vegetables in your garden? My radishes are definitely doing well. But, there are too many growing close together. Why did this happen? Did I plant too many? When you plant small seeds, you scatter…

Cool-Season Herb Container

I recently re-planted my herb container for the cool-season. Last spring, I planted my container with rosemary, green basil, purple basil, sage, thyme and oregano. All of these herbs do well in the warm-season and I enjoyed being able…