
Nasturtiums or ‘Nose-Twisters’?

One of my favorite plants in my garden is Nasturtium. I love their bright flowers. Did you know that the name 'Nasturtium' literally means 'nose-twister'? It's true. Nasturtium comes from the Latin words 'nasus' for nose and…
Frost-damaged Bougainvillea

Peacful Day and Spring Pruning…

I didn't post a blog on Friday, but I had a very good excuse... Frost-damaged Bougainvillea It was time for my springtime annual pruning. In my zone 9a garden, we do experience temperatures below freezing and as a result, some…
New Vegetable Garden

New Vegetable Garden Finally Finished!

Isn't it true that most projects take longer then you plan on? Still, I always approach projects with optimism that I will be able to finish in just a couple of days. Of course, things just seem to come up with the kids and work. …
Birthday Celebrations

Birthday Celebrations and Dessert!

Two of my favorite things are birthdays and dessert... Earlier this month, we celebrated the birthday of my daughter, Ruthie, and my sister-in-law, Marisue. Ruthie turned 14 and I won't tell you how old Marisue is, but she is much…
Purple Lilac Vine (Hardenbergia violaceae)

New Use for Vines

I love using vines in the garden. I have pink bower vine growing in my entry, purple lilac vine growing up the walls in my back garden and pink trumpet vine by my vegetable garden. But, did you know that you can grow some vines as a groundcover? …
dried sunflower

Day in the Garden….

I love school holidays.... I don't have to get up early to get kids ready...  I don't have to worry about helping getting their homework done... And the kids are happy! Last Monday, while my wonderful husband was busy nailing…

New Addition to the Garden

Well, I wish I could say that the new addition is my completed vegetable garden....but although we have made some progress, it is till not finished. But, we did add something new to our back garden. Citrus Tree This is our new,…
new vegetable garden

Making Progress….

I've got a large pile of dirt outside my kitchen window. But, we are making progress on our new vegetable garden.  Today, we amended the existing soil with equal amounts of compost and aged steer manure.  Then added bone and blood…
working on our new vegetable garden.

Vegetable Garden Progress

We have been a bit busy this week working on our new vegetable garden. Monday and Tuesday, my two strong nephews came over to help.  I must admit that it is more fun to dig with someone else to talk to. So far, we have dug up…
new vegetable garden

The Beginning….

p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:14px;"> Beginning of my new vegetable garden for new seeds This is the 'beginning' of my new vegetable garden! It's also my Christmas/Birthday gift from my husband. I love my existing…