Blooms in February
AZ Plant Lady
Have you experienced a warmer then normal winter this year?
I certainly have, although I'm not complaining because my garden loves it. I took a walk around the garden and was so pleased to see quite a few plants blooming….

Confessions from a ‘Plant Nerd’
az plant lady family
I have a major confession to make....
I am a total 'plant nerd'.
When I mentioned that to my husband, he said "I already knew that" with a smile on his face.
I came upon this revelation when we visited Disneyland last week.

Guess Where I’ve Been?
az plant lady family
You may have noticed that I haven't posted for a few days (or maybe not 😉 I feel somewhat incomplete when I have gone more then three days without writing a blog post, but sometimes life gets a bit crazy or sometimes I go out of town.

Family Photographers on a Field Trip
az plant lady family
Field trip
I enjoy photographing the beauty that surrounds me, especially plants and landscapes.
My youngest sister, is a very good photographer and her focus is usually people.
And then there is my nephew, Kenny, (son of my…

The Gift of a Vegetable Garden: Part 2
az plant lady family, Compost
In my last post, I undoubtedly left you hanging, wondering how the second part of our project ended (just kidding).
What project is that? Well, my siblings and I along with our families surprised my mother for her 70th birthday by…

The Perfect Birthday Gift – A New Vegetable Garden
Compost, Double S Farms
Have you been faced with the dilemma of what to give someone special for their birthday? Well, the stakes are even higher when it is a 'milestone' birthday. My siblings and I were faced with this very dilemma in deciding what to…

Motherly Wisdom and Group Photo Shoot
az plant lady family
Okay, I realize that I am terribly late when it comes to posting holiday photos. But believe it or not, I am quite organized when it comes to other aspects of Christmas - especially shopping for gifts -I'm usually done in November 🙂

An Icy “First” For Me…
One of my favorite summer places is a lake in the town of Williams, Arizona. Every year, our entire family (grandma, aunts, uncles and cousins) make the 3 hour trip up to the mountains and stay for a week.
Favorite Summer Places…

Double S Farms Winter Garden and Festivities
Double S Farms
Okay, I know that I am terribly late in blogging about Christmas. As a result, you will probably not be surprised that I didn't get organized enough to send out Christmas cards this year either 😉
But, we did have a wonderful Christmas. …

Winter and Bare Root Roses
AZ Plant Lady
'Mr. Lincoln' Hybrid Tea Rose
I absolutely love roses.
In fact, at one time I had over 40 different roses growing in my garden. I planted them all myself (well, with my husband's help).
My love for roses is one of the things…