Nursery Visit and Temptations…
AZ Plant Lady
This past weekend, I was on a mission.
My mission was to replace the few plants that had died in my in-laws garden as well as replace their warm-season annuals with cool-season ones.
Unfortunately, I could not indulge my creative side…

Danger In My Vegetable Garden….
Vegetable Gardening
Okay. It's really happened to me.
I had heard about what can happen when you grow your own vegetables from other gardeners, but I didn't think too much about it until....
It happened to me!
So, what happened you may…

Reigning in the Chaos of My Containers…
AZ Plant Lady
A few days ago, you may remember my post about my uncontrolled container plants.
Well, I pulled out some of my excess Trailing Lantana, which can be used in other areas of my garden.
Then I cut back the remaining Lantana and my Sweet…

az plant lady family
All too soon, we will be hearing little ghosts and goblins come knocking at our door.
But unfortunately, we won't be home.
You see, Halloween is a very fun holiday in our family and we spend it at Double S Farms.
Last year's celebration…

Uncontrolled Container Plants….
I came upon this group of containers yesterday.
Pretty uncontrolled plants, huh?
Well, hidden underneath all the plants are actually 4 containers.
they are all mine.....
I know, I know.
How could I have…

A Tree Given a Second Chance…
Last winter, we suffered a severe cold snap. Okay, for those of you who live in more northerly climates, it wouldn't seem all that cold to you perhaps. But, we had temps that ranged in the low 20's for three days in a row, which…

Family Get Together on the Farm
az plant lady family
This past weekend, the entire family was able to gather together at Double S Farms.
As I mentioned before, my brother-in-law was in town for final interviews for a new job. Although he was busy with meetings, we were all able to meet…

Landscaper’s Trademark?
Landscape Design
You know what?
Sometimes it is easy to tell who in the neighborhood uses the same landscaper.
It is pretty evident from these photos that I took over the summer that quite a few people in this neighborhood are using the services…

Observations on This and That AND The Countdown Begins…
I thought that I would share with you my observations on various landscape practices that I viewed over a one week period last month.
As a horticulturist (or a plant lady as my kids call me), I have a hard time "turning off" and not looking…

Fall Break and Vegetable Seedlings…
Vegetable Gardening
I think my kids are ready to go back to school tomorrow after 2 1/2 weeks of being on fall break.
How do I know this? Well, my two youngest daughters, Ruthie and Gracie, just asked me if there were any jobs that I needed them to do.