Frost-Damaged Tree

A Second Chance for a Frost-Damaged Tree

Earlier this week, we were enjoying our weekly dinner at Double S Farms, where my mother, sister and her family live.  I must admit that I always look forward to these nights.  I get to enjoy being with my family, plus I don't have…
unusual birds

Some of My Favorite Visitors…

Every week, I enjoy seeing who happens to visit me in the garden.  To be precise, feathered visitors. Some of you may know that I also write a blog for Birds & Blooms magazine and as a result, I am always on the lookout for interesting…
spider mites

An Embarrassing Admission….

Do I have your attention?  What kind of embarrassing thing do I have to admit too?  Well, I could think of countless things: I am a bit clumsy I am a very picky eater I like to grow vegetables more then I like to eat them…
unwelcome visitors

Unwelcome Visitors in the Garden…

Unfortunately, there are times when unwelcome visitors make a visit to any garden. Even mine.... Can you see my unwelcome visitors on my Lantana leaves? Well, if you guessed that I have whiteflies, you would be right. Whiteflies…
my vegetables garden

A Fabulous Day in the Vegetable Garden

Okay, after many of you read this, you will come to the conclusion that I am a bit strange when it comes to gardening. A few days ago, I was checking on my vegetable garden.  Specifically, I was checking to see if my corn was ready…
Mr. Compost turning his composter.

The Joy of Composting…

I hope you are all having a great week.  I am so looking forward to the holiday weekend, are you? This Saturday, we will be celebrating my son, Kai's, 9th birthday.  I have to make a 3-layer icebox cake, which he is looking forward…
Hummingbird Feeder

A Water Bottle and a Little Imagination….

Do you have a hummingbird feeder? I have two.  One is the popular plastic variety, above, and the other is a beautiful glass one that my sister-in-law gave me for my birthday. However, when I first opened the glass feeder,…
Creating a bouquet

A Monthly Garden Bouquet for May

It seems just like I was creating a bouquet for the month of April.  Where has the time gone? My garden is in full bloom, but all I seem to see when I look outside is some plants in need of a bit of pruning ;-)I have had some exciting…
my winter vegetables

Vegetable Harvest With Some Little Helpers….

In my last post, I showed you how my vegetable garden had gone crazy growing a multitude of different vegetables.  I had the remainder of my winter vegetables ready to harvest as well as pull out. So over the weekend, I put my kids…
Vegetable Garden Gone Crazy

Vegetable Garden Gone Crazy…

Well, it's vegetable garden has gone crazy.  When I left for my trip to the Midwest at the end of April, it was nice and somewhat neat.  My winter lettuce, spinach, green onions and garlic were doing well and my newly…