An Easter Wish…
az plant lady family
This Easter brings with it memories of celebrations past and hopes of an extra special holiday this year.
Growing up, my entire extended family would gather together at my parent's house and we would have a wonderful lunch. My mom…

April’s Monthly Bouquet
AZ Plant Lady
Spring seems to be rushing by so quickly. It seems it was just yesterday when I was protecting some of my more tender plants from frost.
Well, it is time for this month's monthly bouquet. I had no problem figuring out what flowers…

A Boat Race…On a Farm
Double S Farms
Yes, you heard me right....a boat race on a farm.
For those of you wonderful people who have stuck around, reading this blog for a while, you have heard me talk about Double S Farms quite a few times.
For those of you who may be newer…

Hummingbirds Perched Up High….
Hummingbird Gardening
Earlier this week, my husband and I decided to get outdoors and enjoy our beautiful spring weather. So, we visited our local Riparian Preserve. We had a great time walking and talking, but we also brought our camera so that we could…

Signs of Spring All Around…..
AZ Plant Lady
You know what? I don't think that I know anyone who doesn't like spring. Do you?
This past week, I spent a some time capturing some of the signs of spring around me with my camera.
I hope you enjoy them.....

Skies Full of Yellow Blossoms….
AZ Plant Lady
Blue Palo Verde
This is one of my most favorite times of year.
Throughout the desert Southwest, our iconic Palo Verde trees are beginning to bloom.
Gorgeous display of yellow
Drive down any street and you will undoubtedly…

WInter and Summer Vegetables….Oh My!
Vegetable Gardening
I just love spring....and not just because everything is turning green and beginning to bloom in my garden.
I love this time of year because I have both winter and summer vegetables growing in my garden. I have harvested some of my…

‘Friendly’ Plants in the Vegetable Garden
desert, Vegetable Gardening
You know what? I just love this time of year. The garden is full of colorful, blooming plants and all the brown, crispy frost-damaged growth has been pruned away.
That was what my husband and I did yesterday. We finished…

Journey Into My Backyard – The Sonoran Desert…
I apologize, but life is kind of crazy this week, so I promise that I will get to back to my 'Tree Planting' posts soon. In the meantime, I would like to share with you one of my favorite posts that I wrote about 1 1/2 years ago. …

How to Plant a Tree – Part 1
Some of you may be surprised to find that many trees are not planted correctly. As a Certified Arborist, I have seen countless trees that are suffering from problems that are caused by improper planting. The damage can…