
Breaking Out My Pruners…….In 22 Days

Every year about this time, I get tired of seeing this in my garden...... My brown shrubs Pretty ugly, isn't it? Just looking at my frozen Lantana, causes me to feel the pull of my pruners calling out to me. Even though I…
Bone chilling temperatures

An Artic Freeze in the Desert?

I bet you never thought you would hear about an 'Arctic Freeze' in a blog about desert gardening, did you? Well, like most of the country, we have been suffering from extreme cold.  Our cold weather is a result of Arctic air which has…
landscape designer

Adventures of a Landscape Designer – The End of a Chapter

First of all, I would like to thank you all for bearing with me as I have taken a trip down memory lane recalling my adventures as a landscape designer.  Your comments have been so much fun to read. Some of you may be wondering if I…
landscape designer

The Continuing Adventures of a Landscape Designer….

Well, there I my new job, working only as a landscape designer for a large home builder.  My surroundings had definitely changed since I left my small and sometimes dirty maintenance office and traded it in for a beautiful office…
landscape design

Adventures of a Landscape Designer….Part 1

Okay, some of you may be asking - when did you work as a landscape designer?  I thought you were a horticulturist? Well the answer is, is that part of a horticulturist's job involves landscape design.  Actually, that was my…
Saguaro cactus

Adventures With Saguaros….

When many people think of the Desert Southwest, the iconic Saguaro cactus comes to mind.  I remember seeing my first saguaro, crossing over the California Arizona border.  When I first saw them, it was hard to believe that they were…
Two Giving Trees.....

Two Giving Trees…..

I am almost ashamed to admit it, but I sometimes have trouble remembering what gifts I received a year ago for Christmas.  Does that happen to you too?  It's not that I am not happy with the gifts......I am frequently amazed at the…
plant hospital

A Hospital for Plants?

Because I love plants and blogging, I am constantly taking pictures.  As a result, I have quite a lot of photos to go through and it can be a week or two (okay sometimes a few months), before I get to them. Well, since it has been rather…
tomato transplants

An Experiment…..

The vegetables in my garden made it through very well, except for my tomatoes.  I know, I know.....some of you experienced vegetable growers may be asking why I had tomatoes growing in my garden during the winter.  Well, I decided…
Pink Globe Mallow

Brown and Crispy OR Nice and Green….Part 2

Well, after the rather ugly photos of brown and crispy plants that I showed you in my previous post, I am excited to show you the plants that did very well during our severe cold spell when temperatures dipped into the 20's for 4 nights in…