A Sea of Green in my Vegetable Garden
Vegetable Gardening
One of the many things that I love about living in the desert southwest, is the ability to grow vegetables 12 months of the year. Now I have mentioned before that I grew vegetables during college as part of required classwork out in a field…

Adventures in Amish Country and a Farmhouse Visit
AZ Plant Lady
Well as promised, this is the last installment of our trip to the east coast last month. For those of you who have not been following our adventures, breathlessly awaiting this post 😉 So far , we had traveled to Atlanta - to…

Downsizing Is A Good Thing – But Not Always….
AZ Plant Lady
Well anyone who knows me well, would definitely have a hard time believing that I actually wrote a title like this one.
For those of you who may not know me personally....I will let you in on a secret - I love getting a good deal and living…

Sore Feet Equal Two GREAT Days of Discovery
az plant lady family
Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the cooler weather, spending time out in the garden and planning for the upcoming holidays. even with all of that going on, I still find my self thinking back to the fun we had on our vacation…

Adventures in Williamsburg and a Colonial Garden
AZ Plant Lady
Well, we have been home and it is still taking a little while to get settled. This also extends to my blogging....I am running a little behind.
I have enjoyed putting together posts about our recent trip to the east coast and…

Az Plant Lady’s Southern Adventures
az plant lady family
Well, I have almost recovered from our roadtrip to the east coast. The clothes have all been washed, my huge pile of mail is now gone and I am no longer waking up at 5 o'clock in the morning.
Our trip began by flying into Atlanta and…

Signs of Fall in the Desert?
I have heard people lament that they miss the obvious changes that the seasons bring in cooler climates, once they move to the desert. A fall without yellow and red foliage doesn't feel the same.
Autumn color in the…

Monthly Garden Bouquet – October
AZ Plant Lady
The leaves are beginning to turn and air is finally becoming cool and crisp. I always look forward to fall as it is my favorite time of year, full of holidays.
My entry for this month's Monthly Garden Bouquet (MGB) consists of a simple,…

Create A Children’s Garden in a Plastic Pool
az plant lady family
I'm sure most of you know how much fun it can be to garden with your kids. I remember my dad building each of us a raised planter where we could grow vegetables and flowers. Today, my kids and I went to the store to buy flowers…

October Craziness….Cactus, Spiders, Stormy Weather and a Mixed-up Bird
Hummingbird Gardening
From the title of this post, you might surmise that I am somewhat distracted because I have a lot on my mind. Well, I am quite busy at the moment getting ready for our upcoming trip along the east coast, which is why I am a bit behind…