
June Days….Dry Grass, Sprinklers and a Harvest

Okay, I admit that I had a hard time with the title of this post.  I think it is because it is somewhat a mish-mash of topics.  But, the overall theme is that these all have occurred in this month of June. When we built our home…
Double Farms

A Harvest of Peaches and Jam….

For the past couple of weeks, I have been watching as the peaches began to ripen on the three peach trees on Double Farms.  I was especially excited for them to ripen this year because my mother, Pastor Farmer, had promised to teach…
Agave americana surrounded by her 'pups'.

Pups Ready to Leave Home….

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Now, you may think that I am talking about soft, cuddly puppies finding a new home.  But, I am actually talking about my agave pups.  The word 'pups' refers to the small agave offsets that sometimes form from the adult agave. …
Memory Tree

A Memory Tree

Do you have a memory tree?  A tree planted in memory of a loved one?  I would like to share with you my memory tree that I planted in honor of someone very special. Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis) You may or may not…

Our “New” Normal Life….

I would like to thank you all for your kind words, prayers and support.  Even though I may not have answered you personally, I have read your comments and they meant so much to me.  Especially as I would read them from the hospital. We…

Sunshine In My Life….

I love Angelita Daisies (Tetraneuris acaulis), and how their bright and sunny faces brighten my day.  But today's post is not about gardening, but about a little boy who brings sunshine to my life every day. I would like to share…
red bird-of paradise

Summer Blooming Friends Return….

It may seem odd to refer to colorful flowers as friends, but that is what I think of the blooms of my red bird-of paradise (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) shrubs. They are located beneath my kitchen window and this time of year, the blooms…
corn ripening stages

Ears of Silk in the Vegetable Garden

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Ripening Corn in My Vegetable Garden In my vegetable garden, I've been closely monitoring the growth of our corn stalks and corn ripening stages; it's been a fascinating journey. Each day, these corn stalks grow noticeably by inches,…
Orange Jubilee

An Orange Monday Morning….

Mondays are usually busy days for most of us.  I know that for me, when the weekend ends, there is a list of things for me to accomplish, including writing my first blog post of the week. This week promises to be busier then usual for…

A Saguaro With A Skin Condition?

When people think of the desert southwest, images of snakes, tumbleweed and of course, the iconic Saguaro cactus come to mind. It really is an amazing cactus.  I remember the first time I saw them.....I was driving along the highway…