Beauty Emerges….
az plant lady family
Well, as I mentioned in my last post, the butterflies have emerged from their chrysalis. We have been raising caterpillars that came with a butterfly raising kit which was a Christmas gift for my daughter. You can read about the…

Pretty In Pink…..With A Hidden Secret
AZ Plant Lady
Mexican Evening Primrose (Oenothera berlanderi syn. Oenothera speciosa)
Aren't these flowers just lovely?
I do love pink flowers.
Our local big box nursery had quite a few of these on display over the weekend.

A Gathering of Bees
AZ Plant Lady
The other day, I was on my way to the store when I saw something in the distance in our local park that was out of the ordinary. I was pretty sure that I knew what it was as I had seen this before and so, I drove nearer.
Can you…

Moving Day for Caterpillars….
az plant lady family, Gardening With Kids
I am sure that many of you have been on the edge of your seats for the next installment of my youngest daughter's butterfly raising adventures 😉 In case you missed it, you can read the first installment here.
We have been waiting…

Leaving the Wardrobe….C.S. Lewis
AZ Plant Lady
I have always been an avid of reader of C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia books and was fortunate to have been able to visit his home and gardens in Oxford, where he wrote all of his books. I shared my visit in an earlier post, which you…

Flowers Raining Down….
AZ Plant Lady
This is my favorite time of year in the garden. You may be saying, of course it is....it is spring after all. Isn't that everybody's favorite time? Well, there is another reason. This time of year I cannot go outside…

A Surprise From My Daughter….
az plant lady family
My youngest daughter received something very interesting in the mail earlier this week and she wanted me to share it with you.
Butterfly kit
Can you tell what it is? You may have to enlarge the photo.

A Farm, Flowers and a Restaurant in the Midst of Suburbia
AZ Plant Lady
Imagine a family farm where crops had been grown for years in their fields. Then a developer comes in and buys the property in order to build houses on it. Many of us have seen this happen often where we live. A farmer sells…

April’s MGB – Monthly Garden Bouquet
My April bouquet is a humble one, but special to me because it is my last tribute to spring. By this time next month, my garden will be full of summer blooms.
My purple Violas had been blooming for me since October. …

Greeted By Dragons….
AZ Plant Lady
As I mentioned in my last post, I headed over today to visit a local farm and it's adjoining restaurants to view the gardens. As I started walking towards the entry, I was greeted by numerous dragons - all flaunting their beautiful colors.