A Surprise In My Inbox….Flowers!
AZ Plant Lady
From time to time, I receive emails from readers of my blog who ask me a gardening question or two. Well, I love talking about plants and helping people with their gardens, so it works out well.
Earlier this week,…

An Author’s Garden and Inspiration
AZ Plant Lady
As a child, I was a voracious reader....I still am. One of my favorite authors was C.S. Lewis. My mother introduced me to the first book of the "Chronicles of Narnia", The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe. As soon as…

A Vegetable Garden…..Completed!
Vegetable Gardening
Well as promised, this is the last installment of the creation of our vegetable garden. The journey has been quite a bit longer then we had anticipated due to some unexpected interruptions....a dead car battery & a broken arm.

A Vegetable Garden Interrupted….Again
Vegetable Gardening
In yesterday's post, I am sure that I left you all on the edge of your seats, waiting to see how we fared after our van, which was fully loaded with supplies for our new vegetable garden, wouldn't start in the parking lot of our local big box…

A Vegetable Garden Interrupted….
Vegetable Gardening
Our first foray into vegetable gardening, as a family, was well on it's way to becoming reality.... the site had been selected, the seeds purchased, the time set aside in our schedule and then....life happened.
I had a vegetable garden as…

Like a Kid in a Candy Store…
A horticulturist in a plant nursery is much like a kid in a candy store, which can be VERY dangerous.....
This is where I found myself a couple of weeks ago after spending the day walking through the beautiful gardens of "The Living…

The Unexpected…In the Garden and in Life
Citrus, Double S Farms
The past couple of days have been filled with the normal things that make up my life....taking care of my family, landscape consults, blogging, etc. But, one of the things that I love and sometimes don't love about life are the unexpected…

Celebrations, Chickens and Slugs…
Double S Farms
Kind of a weird title for a post, but it fits all that I am going to try to fit into this one....
Earlier this week, we packed up the kids into our trusty minivan and took the long drive to Double S Farms....okay, it took us all of 5 minutes…

A Face Lift for an Old Rose….
Double S Farms
Picture an old rose bush that had been neglected over the years. With new owners now in charge of the garden, this rose received much needed attention back in January.
Some of you may remember my post "An Overgrown, Nameless Rose" …

A Desert Shrub That Smells Like Rain?
desert, Shrubs
A Desert Shrub that Smells Like Rain
Someone once commented about how much they loved the wonderful smell of rain in the desert. This person had moved away and they missed the characteristic fragrance that permeates the desert air when…