Hello Everyone! It is hard to believe that it is already time for July Monthly Garden Bouquet (MGB). The summer seems to be flying by. Soon my kids will be back in school and I will be able to get back to blogging more regularly and commenting on your posts 🙂 I miss my normal routine and my life seems to revolve around my kids 24/7. Not that that is bad, mind you….I love my kids a lot, but I am looking forward to having a little time to do the things that I enjoy.
The bouquet that I created for July is made up of Lysiloma leaves, Bougainvillea brachts and Yellow Bell (Tecoma stans) flowers. *Did you know that the colorful magenta ‘flowers’ on the bougainvillea are not the flowers? They are actually brachts that form around the tiny, cream colored flower in the middle.
I must confess that it took me awhile to decide where to take the picture of my bouquet and I finally settled on the lawn in our back garden. I love how the color green can make me feel like the temperatures have dropped a few degrees.
July Garden Bouquet
As you can see, my bouquet is rather simple like me but rather colorful at the same time.
I would love to see your July bouquets. The guidelines for MGB are very simple….
1. MGB is held the third week of each month and bouquets can be submitted during a 7 day period (or even later if you like).
2. Create your own bouquet as fancy or simple as you like.
3. I would appreciate it if you would provide a link back to my post inside of your MGB post, but it is not required 🙂
4. Add your link to Mr. Linky below and that’s it!
I cannot wait to see what bouquets you create from your summer gardens.
Have a great week!